package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "strconv" "time" "strings" "io/ioutil" ) type sensor struct { srange int angle int width int turret bool } type Tank struct { color string sensors [10]sensor program []string } var symbols []string = []string{ "~", "!", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "&", "|", "^", "<<", ">>", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "=", "<>", "abs", "dup", "pop", "exch", "if", "ifelse", "mset", "mget", "{", "}", "fire-ready?", "fire!", "set-speed!", "get-turret", "set-turret!", "sensor?", "set-led!", "random", } func make_nucleotide() int { switch rand.Intn(3) { case 0: return rand.Intn(len(symbols)) case 1: return len(symbols) + rand.Intn(720) case 2: return len(symbols) + 720 + rand.Intn(100) } return 0 } func make_dna(size int) []int { ret := make([]int, size) for i := 0; i < size; i += 1 { ret[i] = make_nucleotide() } return ret } func color_of_dna(dna []int) (string, []int) { if len(dna) >= 3 { r := dna[0] % 256 g := dna[1] % 256 b := dna[2] % 256 color := fmt.Sprintf("%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b) return color, dna[3:] } else { return "cccccc", dna } } func sensor_of_dna(dna []int) (sensor, []int) { if len(dna) >= 4 { return sensor{dna[0], dna[1], dna[2], dna[3] % 2 == 0}, dna[4:] } else { return sensor{0, 0, 0, false}, dna } } func program_of_dna(dna []int) []string { ret := make([]string, 0, len(dna)) stacks := []int{} for i := 0; i < len(dna); i += 1 { // If we are in a stack, decrement the size if len(stacks) > 0 { stacks[0] -= 1 // Are we at the end of the stack? Output the symbol and pop the stack off. if stacks[0] <= 0 { ret = append(ret, "}") stacks = stacks[1:] } } // Consider the next nucleotide n := dna[i] // Symbol? if n < len(symbols) { ret = append(ret, symbols[n]) continue } n -= len(symbols) // Number? if n < 720 { ret = append(ret, strconv.Itoa(n - 360)) continue } n -= 720 // Stack. ret = append(ret, "{") stacks = append(stacks, (n + 1) % (len(dna) - i)) } for len(stacks) > 0 { ret = append(ret, "}") stacks = stacks[1:] } return ret } func tank_of_dna(dna []int) Tank { ret := Tank{} ret.color, dna = color_of_dna(dna) for i := 0; i < len(ret.sensors); i += 1 { ret.sensors[i], dna = sensor_of_dna(dna) } ret.program = program_of_dna(dna) return ret } func twrite(num int, fn string, contents string) { path := fmt.Sprintf("tank.%d/%s", num, fn) ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(contents), 0644) } func (t Tank) Write(num int, dir string) { twrite(num, "color", t.color) for i := 0; i < len(t.sensors); i += 1 { turret := 0 if t.sensors[i].turret { turret = 1 } twrite( num, fmt.Sprintf("sensor%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %d %d", t.sensors[i].srange, t.sensors[i].angle, t.sensors[i].width, turret), ) } twrite(num, "program", strings.Join(t.program, " ")) } func init() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) } func main() { d := make_dna(20) p := program_of_dna(d) fmt.Println(p) }