#! /bin/sh if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then tanks="$@" else echo "Usage: $0 tank1 tank2 [...]" exit 1 fi TANKS_GAME=${TANKS_GAME:-forftanks} NAV_HTML_INC=${NAV_HTML_INC:-./nav.html.inc} export NAV_HTML_INC rank () { awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t"; } function esc(s) { gsub(/&/, "&", s); gsub(//, ">", s); return s; } { id = $1; ntanks += 1; tanks[id] = id; if ($4 == "(nil)") { score[id] += 1; } else { reason[id] = $3; killer[id] = $4; kills[$4] += 1; score[$4] += 1; } path[id] = $2; if ($5) { lasterr[id] = $6 " around char " $5; } else { lasterr[id] = $6; } if (1 == getline < (path[id] "/name")) { name[id] = esc($0); } else { name[id] = "Unnamed"; } getline < (path[id] "/color"); if (/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/) { color[id] = $0; } else { color[id] = "#c0c0c0"; } } END { # Fill in who killed whom for (id in tanks) { if (score[id] > topscore) { winner = id; topscore = score[id]; } if (killer[id]) { reason[id] = reason[id] " (" name[killer[id]] ")"; } print score[id] >> (path[id] "/points"); } # Dole out points # Output the table print ""; print ""; for (i = ntanks; i >= 0; i -= 1) { for (me in tanks) { if (score[me] == i) { if (me == winner) { style = "style=\"font-weight: bold; background-color: #666666\""; } else { style = ""; } printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); } } } print "
NameScoreCause of DeathLast Error
# " name[me] "" score[me] "" reason[me] "" lasterr[me] "
"; } ' "$@" } summary () { awk 'function esc(s) { gsub(/&/, "&", s); gsub(//, ">", s); return s; } BEGIN { ngames = 20; print ""; print ""; print " "; print " Dirtbags Tanks"; print " "; print " "; print " "; print "

Dirtbags Tanks

"; print "

New here? Read the introduction.

"; print "

New round every minute.

"; print "


"; print "

Over the last 20 games only.

"; print "
    "; for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i += 1) { id = ARGV[i]; if (1 == getline < (id "/name")) { names[id] = esc($0); } else { names[id] = "Unnamed"; } getline < (id "/color"); if (/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/) { color[id] = $0; } else { color[id] = "#c0c0c0"; } for (j = 0; 1 == getline < (id "/points"); j += 1) { pts[id, j % ngames] = int($0); } total = 0; for (j = 0; j < ngames; j += 1) { total += pts[id, j]; } scores[total] = total; points[id] = total; } while (1) { # Find highest score maxscore = -1; for (p in scores) { if (int(p) > maxscore) { maxscore = int(p); } } if (maxscore == -1) { break; } delete scores[maxscore]; for (id in points) { if (points[id] == maxscore) { printf("
  1. # %s (%d points)
  2. \n", color[id], names[id], points[id]); } } } print "
"; print "


"; print " "; while (getline < ENVIRON["NAV_HTML_INC"]) { print; } print " "; print ""; } ' "$@" } if [ -f next-round ]; then next=$(cat next-round) else next=0 fi expr $next + 1 > next-round fn=$(printf "round-%04d.html" $next) rfn=results$$.txt echo -n "Running round $next... " cat <$fn Tanks Round $next

Tanks Round $next

0 fps

EOF rank $rfn >>$fn rm -f $rfn cat $NAV_HTML_INC >>$fn cat <>$fn EOF summary $tanks > summary.html.$$ mv summary.html.$$ summary.html echo "done."