#include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4.h> #include <SFE_MicroOLED.h> #include <SparkFun_Qwiic_Button.h> #include <Adafruit_MPR121.h> #include "synth.h" #include "patches.h" #include "notes.h" #include "fingering.h" #define KNEE_OFFSET 0 #define KEY_OFFSET 2 FMVoice Chanter; FMVoice Drones[3]; FMVoice Regulators[3]; AudioFilterBiquad biquad1; AudioMixer4 mixDrones; AudioMixer4 mixRegulators; AudioMixer4 mixL; AudioMixer4 mixR; AudioOutputAnalogStereo dacs1; AudioConnection FMVoicePatchCords[] = { {Chanter.outputMixer, 0, biquad1, 0}, {biquad1, 0, mixL, 0}, {biquad1, 0, mixR, 0}, {Drones[0].outputMixer, 0, mixDrones, 0}, {Drones[1].outputMixer, 0, mixDrones, 1}, {Drones[2].outputMixer, 0, mixDrones, 2}, {mixDrones, 0, mixL, 1}, {mixDrones, 0, mixR, 1}, {Regulators[0].outputMixer, 0, mixRegulators, 0}, {Regulators[1].outputMixer, 0, mixRegulators, 1}, {Regulators[2].outputMixer, 0, mixRegulators, 2}, {mixRegulators, 0, mixL, 2}, {mixRegulators, 0, mixR, 2}, {mixL, 0, dacs1, 0}, {mixR, 0, dacs1, 1}, FMVoiceWiring(Chanter), FMVoiceWiring(Drones[0]), FMVoiceWiring(Drones[1]), FMVoiceWiring(Drones[2]), FMVoiceWiring(Drones[3]), FMVoiceWiring(Regulators[0]), FMVoiceWiring(Regulators[1]), FMVoiceWiring(Regulators[2]), FMVoiceWiring(Regulators[3]), }; int currentPatch = 0; Adafruit_MPR121 cap = Adafruit_MPR121(); Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4 trellis = Adafruit_NeoTrellisM4(); MicroOLED oled(9, 1); QwiicButton bag; void setup() { setupJustPitches(NOTE_D4, PITCH_D4); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Wire.begin needs a moment delay(100); Wire.begin(); // Initialize OLED display oled.begin(); oled.clear(ALL); // Initialize bag bag.begin(); // Initialize the Trellis trellis.begin(); // Initialize touch sensor bool blink = true; while (!cap.begin(0x5A)) { oled.clear(PAGE); oled.setCursor(0, 0); oled.print("No Pipe?"); oled.display(); trellis.setPixelColor(0, blink?0xff6666:0); blink = !blink; delay(200); } // Set aside some memory for the audio library AudioMemory(120); // initialize tunables updateTunables(3, 0); // Initialize processor and memory measurements AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset(); AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset(); } #define BUTTON_UP 0 #define BUTTON_DOWN 8 #define BUTTON_PITCH 24 #define BUTTON_VOLUME 25 #define INIT_PITCH_ADJUST 0 #define INIT_GAIN 0.1 #define INIT_PATCH 0 int16_t pitchAdjust; float gain; int patch; void updateTunables(uint8_t buttons, int note) { // Pitch adjust if playing A if (!note || (note == NOTE_A4)) { switch (buttons) { case 3: pitchAdjust = INIT_PITCH_ADJUST; break; case 2: pitchAdjust += 4; break; case 1: pitchAdjust -= 4; break; } } float adj = pow(2, pitchAdjust / 32768.0); setupJustPitches(NOTE_D4, PITCH_D4*adj); trellis.setPixelColor(BUTTON_PITCH, trellis.ColorHSV(uint16_t(pitchAdjust), 255, 80)); if (!note || (note == NOTE_G4)) { // Volume adjust if playing G switch (buttons) { case 3: gain = INIT_GAIN; break; case 2: gain = min(gain+0.005, 1.0); break; case 1: gain = max(gain-0.005, 0.0); break; } } mixL.gain(0, gain); mixR.gain(0, gain); trellis.setPixelColor(BUTTON_VOLUME, trellis.ColorHSV(uint16_t(gain * 65535), 255, 80)); if (!note || (note == NOTE_CS5)) { if (buttons == 3) { patch = INIT_PATCH; } else if (trellis.justPressed(BUTTON_DOWN)) { patch -= 1; } else if (trellis.justPressed(BUTTON_UP)) { patch += 1; } // wrap int bankSize = sizeof(Bank) / sizeof(Bank[0]); patch = (patch + bankSize) % bankSize; FMPatch *p = &Bank[patch]; FMVoiceLoadPatch(&Chanter, p); oled.clear(PAGE); oled.setFontType(0); oled.setCursor(0, 0); oled.print(p->name); oled.setCursor(0, 10); oled.print("Patch "); oled.print(patch); oled.display(); } } const uint8_t CLOSEDVAL = 0x30; const uint8_t OPENVAL = 0x70; const uint8_t GLISSANDO_STEPS = OPENVAL - CLOSEDVAL; bool playing = false; void loop() { uint8_t keys = 0; uint8_t note; uint8_t glissandoKeys = 0; uint8_t glissandoNote; float glissandoOpenness = 0; bool silent = false; bool knee = cap.filteredData(KNEE_OFFSET) < CLOSEDVAL; uint8_t buttons = trellis.isPressed(BUTTON_DOWN)?1:0 | trellis.isPressed(BUTTON_UP)?2:0; trellis.tick(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { uint16_t val = max(cap.filteredData(i+KEY_OFFSET), CLOSEDVAL); float openness = ((val - CLOSEDVAL) / float(GLISSANDO_STEPS)); // keys = all keys which are at least touched // glissandoKeys = all keys which are fully closed // The glissando operation computes the difference. if (openness < 1.0) { glissandoOpenness = max(glissandoOpenness, openness); bitSet(keys, i); if (openness == 0.0) { bitSet(glissandoKeys, i); } } // print key states //trellis.setPixelColor(7 - i, trellis.ColorHSV(65536/12, 255, 120*openness)); trellis.setPixelColor(7 - i, trellis.ColorHSV(22222*openness, 255, 40)); } note = uilleann_matrix[keys]; glissandoNote = uilleann_matrix[glissandoKeys]; bool alt = note & 0x80; bool galt = glissandoNote & 0x80; note = note & 0x7f; glissandoNote = glissandoNote & 0x7f; // All keys closed + knee = no sound if (knee) { if (keys == 0xff) { silent = true; } } // Jump octave if the bag is squished //bag = !digitalRead(BAG); if (bag.isPressed()) { if (keys & bit(7)) { note += 12; glissandoNote += 12; } } // Read some trellis button states if (buttons) { updateTunables(buttons, note); } if (silent) { FMVoiceNoteOff(&Chanter); playing = false; } else { // Calculate pitch, and glissando pitch uint16_t pitch = JustPitches[note]; uint16_t glissandoPitch = JustPitches[glissandoNote]; if (alt) { biquad1.setLowShelf(0, 2000, 0.2, 1); } else { biquad1.setHighShelf(0, 1000, 1.0, 1); } // Bend pitch if fewer than 3 half steps away if (abs(glissandoNote - note) < 3) { float diff = glissandoPitch - pitch; pitch += diff * glissandoOpenness; } if (playing) { FMVoiceSetPitch(&Chanter, pitch); } else { FMVoiceNoteOn(&Chanter, pitch); } playing = true; } }