#pragma once void playDrones() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DRONES; ++i) { float pitch = tuning.GetPitch(NOTE_D3); pitch /= 1 << i; // Take down the appropriate number of octaves pitch *= (i - 1) / 1000; // Detune ever so AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset(); Drones[i].NoteOn(pitch); } } void doPlay(bool forceDisplayUpdate) { static Note last_note = NOTE_ZERO; bool updateDisplay = forceDisplayUpdate; if (updateDisplay) { display.clearDisplay(); display.fillRect(0, 0, 2, 2, SSD1306_WHITE); display.display(); } if (pipe.silent) { Chanter.NoteOff(); } else { // Calculate pitch, and glissando pitch float pitch = tuning.GetPitch(pipe.note); float glissandoPitch = tuning.GetPitch(pipe.glissandoNote); // Bend pitch if fewer than 3 half steps away if (abs(pipe.glissandoNote - pipe.note) < 3) { float diff = glissandoPitch - pitch; pitch += diff * pipe.glissandoOpenness; } // Apply a low shelf filter if this is the alternate fingering if (pipe.altFingering) { biquad1.setLowShelf(0, 2000, 0.2, 1); } else { biquad1.setHighShelf(0, 1000, 1.0, 1); } // We've figured out what pitch to play, now we can play it. if (Chanter.playing) { Chanter.SetPitch(pitch); } else { Chanter.NoteOn(pitch); } } if (pipe.note != last_note) { updateDisplay = true; } diag("%d %f", pipe.keys, pipe.glissandoOpenness); #if 0 if (updateDisplay) { // Look up the note name const char *note_name = NoteName(pipe.note); if (pipe.silent) { note_name = "--"; updateDisplay = true; } display.clearDisplay(); display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b); display.setCursor(0, 16); display.print(note_name); display.display(); last_note = pipe.note; } #endif }