// Copyright 2020 Neale Pickett // Distributed under the MIT license // Please see https://github.com/nealey/vail-adapter/ // MIDIUSB - Version: Latest #include #include #include "bounce2.h" #ifdef ARDUINO_SEEED_XIAO_M0 # define DIT_PIN 2 # define DAH_PIN 1 # define KEY_PIN 0 # define LED_ON false #else # define DIT_PIN 12 # define DAH_PIN 11 # define KEY_PIN 10 # define LED_ON true #endif #define LED_OFF (!LED_ON) #define STRAIGHT_KEY ',' #define DIT_KEY KEY_LEFT_CTRL #define DAH_KEY KEY_RIGHT_CTRL bool iambic = true; bool keyboard = true; Bounce dit = Bounce(); Bounce dah = Bounce(); Bounce key = Bounce(); void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); dit.attach(DIT_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); dah.attach(DAH_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); key.attach(KEY_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); Keyboard.begin(); // Straight keys need to wire the dah pin to ground somehow. // The easiest way I can think of to do this is to use a TS connector // instead of a TRS connector. for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { delay(20); dah.update(); } if (dah.read() == LOW) { iambic = false; } else { iambic = true; } // Blink out a V for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LED_ON); delay(80 + (i/3)*160); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LED_OFF); delay(80 + (i/3)*160); } } void midiKey(bool down, uint8_t key) { midiEventPacket_t event = {down?9:8, down?0x90:0x80, key, 0x7f}; MidiUSB.sendMIDI(event); MidiUSB.flush(); } void midiProbe() { midiEventPacket_t event = MidiUSB.read(); if (event.byte1 == 0x80) { // Key release, channel 0 if (event.byte2 == 0x00) { // C0 note keyboard = false; } } } void loop() { midiProbe(); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, keyboard?LED_ON:LED_OFF); // Monitor straight key pin if (key.update()) { midiKey(key.fell(), 0); if (keyboard) { if (key.fell()) { Keyboard.press(STRAIGHT_KEY); } else { Keyboard.release(STRAIGHT_KEY); } } } // Monitor dit pin, which could be straight key if dah was closed on boot if (dit.update()) { uint8_t kbdKey, mKey; if (iambic) { kbdKey = DIT_KEY; mKey = 1; } else { kbdKey = STRAIGHT_KEY; mKey = 0; } midiKey(dit.fell(), mKey); if (keyboard) { if (dit.fell()) { Keyboard.press(kbdKey); } else { Keyboard.release(kbdKey); } } } // Monitor dah pin if (iambic && dah.update()) { midiKey(dah.fell(), 2); if (keyboard) { if (dah.fell()) { Keyboard.press(DAH_KEY); } else { Keyboard.release(DAH_KEY); } } } }