/** Silent period between words */ const PAUSE_WORD = -7 /** Silent period between letters */ const PAUSE_LETTER = -3 /** Silent period between dits and dash */ const PAUSE = -1 /** Duration of a dit */ const DIT = 1 /** Duration of a dah */ const DAH = 3 const MorseMap = { "\x04": ".-.-.", // End Of Transmission "\x18": "........", // Cancel "0": "-----", "1": ".----", "2": "..---", "3": "...--", "4": "....-", "5": ".....", "6": "-....", "7": "--...", "8": "---..", "9": "----.", "a": ".-", "b": "-...", "c": "-.-.", "d": "-..", "e": ".", "f": "..-.", "g": "--.", "h": "....", "i": "..", "j": ".---", "k": "-.-", "l": ".-..", "m": "--", "n": "-.", "o": "---", "p": ".--.", "q": "--.-", "r": ".-.", "s": "...", "t": "-", "u": "..-", "v": "...-", "w": ".--", "x": "-..-", "y": "-.--", "z": "--..", ".": ".-.-.-", ",": "--..--", "?": "..--..", "'": ".----.", "!": "-.-.--", "/": "-..-.", "(": "-.--.", ")": "-.--.-", "&": ".-...", ":": "---...", ";": "---...", "=": "-...-", "+": ".-.-.", "-": "-....-", "_": "--..-.", "\"": ".-..-.", "$": "...-..-", "@": ".--.-.", } // iOS kludge if (!window.AudioContext) { window.AudioContext = window.webkitAudioContext } /** * A callback to start or stop transmission * * @callback TxControl */ /** * Keyer class. This handles iambic and straight key input. * * This will handle the following things that people appear to want with iambic input: * * - Typematic: you hold the key down and it repeats evenly-spaced tones * - Typeahead: if you hit a key while it's still transmitting the last-entered one, it queues up your next entered one */ class Keyer { /** * Create a Keyer * * @param {TxControl} beginTxFunc Callback to begin transmitting * @param {TxControl} endTxFunc Callback to end transmitting * @param {number} intervalDuration Dit duration (milliseconds) * @param {number} pauseMultiplier How long to stretch out inter-letter and inter-word pauses */ constructor(beginTxFunc, endTxFunc, {intervalDuration=100, pauseMultiplier=1}={}) { this.beginTxFunc = beginTxFunc this.endTxFunc = endTxFunc this.intervalDuration = intervalDuration this.pauseMultiplier = pauseMultiplier this.ditDown = false this.dahDown = false this.typeahead = false this.iambicModeB = true this.last = null this.queue = [] this.pulseTimer = null } pulse() { if (this.queue.length == 0) { let next = this.typematic() if (next) { // Barkeep! Another round! this.Enqueue(next) } else { // Nothing left on the queue, stop the machine this.pulseTimer = null return } } let next = this.queue.shift() if (next < 0) { next *= -1 if (next > 1) { // Don't adjust spacing within a letter next *= this.pauseMultiplier } this.endTxFunc() } else { this.last = next this.beginTxFunc() } this.pulseTimer = setTimeout(() => this.pulse(), next * this.intervalDuration) } maybePulse() { // If there's no timer running right now, restart the pulse if (!this.pulseTimer) { this.pulse() } } typematic() { if (this.ditDown && this.dahDown) { if (this.iambicModeB) { if (this.last == DIT) { this.last = DAH } else { this.last = DIT } } else { this.last = this.last // Mode A = keep on truckin' } } else if (this.ditDown) { this.last = DIT } else if (this.dahDown) { this.last = DAH } else { this.last = null } return this.last } /** * Return true if we are currently playing out something */ Busy() { return this.pulseTimer } /** * Set a new dit interval (transmission rate) * * @param {number} duration Dit duration (milliseconds) */ SetIntervalDuration(duration) { this.intervalDuration = duration } /** * Set a new pause multiplier. * * This slows down the inter-letter and inter-word pauses, * which can aid in learning. * * @param {number} multiplier Pause multiplier */ SetPauseMultiplier(multiplier) { this.pauseMultiplier = multiplier } /** * Set Iambic mode B. * * If true, holding both keys will alternate between dit and dah. * If false, holding both keys sends whatever key was depressed first. * * @param {boolean} value True to set mode to B */ SetIambicModeB(value) { this.iambicModeB = Boolean(value) } /** * Enable/disable typeahead. * * Typeahead maintains a key buffer, so you can key in dits and dahs faster than the * Iambic keyer can play them out. * * Some people apparently expect this behavior, and have trouble if it isn't enabled. * For others, having this enabled makes it feel like they have a "phantom keyer" * entering keys they did not send. * * @param value True to enable typeahead */ SetTypeahead(value) { this.typeahead = value } /** * Delete anything left on the queue. */ Flush() { this.queue.splice(0) } /** * Add to the output queue, and start processing the queue if it's not currently being processed. * * @param {number} key A duration, in dits. Negative durations are silent. */ Enqueue(key) { this.queue.push(key) if (key > 0) { this.queue.push(PAUSE) } this.maybePulse() } /** * Enqueue a morse code string (eg "... --- ...") * * @param {string} ms String to enqueue */ EnqueueMorseString(ms) { for (let mc of ms) { switch (mc) { case ".": this.Enqueue(DIT) break case "-": this.Enqueue(DAH) break case " ": this.Enqueue(PAUSE_LETTER) break } } } /** * Enqueue an ASCII string (eg "SOS help") * * @param {string} s String to enqueue */ EnqueueAsciiString(s, {pauseLetter = PAUSE_LETTER, pauseWord = PAUSE_WORD} = {}) { for (let c of s.toLowerCase()) { let m = MorseMap[c] if (m) { this.EnqueueMorseString(m) this.Enqueue(pauseLetter) continue } switch (c) { case " ": case "\n": case "\t": this.Enqueue(pauseWord) break default: console.warn("Unable to encode '" + c + "'!") break } } } /** * Do something to the straight key * * @param down True if key was pressed */ Straight(down) { if (down) { this.beginTxFunc() } else { this.endTxFunc() } } /** * Do something to the dit key * * @param down True if key was pressed */ Dit(down) { this.ditDown = down if (down && this.typeahead || !this.Busy()) { this.Enqueue(DIT, this.typeahead) } } /** * Do something to the dah key * * @param down True if key was pressed */ Dah(down) { this.dahDown = down if (down && this.typeahead || !this.Busy()) { this.Enqueue(DAH, this.typeahead) } } } class Buzzer { // Buzzers keep two oscillators: one high and one low. // They generate a continuous waveform, // and we change the gain to turn the pitches off and on. // // This also implements a very quick ramp-up and ramp-down in gain, // in order to avoid "pops" (square wave overtones) // that happen with instant changes in gain. constructor({txGain=0.6, highFreq=660, lowFreq=550, errorFreq=30} = {}) { this.txGain = txGain this.ac = new AudioContext() this.ramp = 0.005 // Lead-in and lead-out time to avoid popping. This one is in seconds. this.lowGain = this.create(lowFreq) this.highGain = this.create(highFreq) this.errorGain = this.create(errorFreq, "square") //this.noiseGain = this.whiteNoise() this.ac.resume() .then(() => { document.querySelector("#muted").classList.add("hidden") }) } create(frequency, type = "sine") { let gain = this.ac.createGain() gain.connect(this.ac.destination) gain.gain.value = 0 let osc = this.ac.createOscillator() osc.type = type osc.connect(gain) osc.frequency.value = frequency osc.start() return gain } // Generate some noise to prevent the browser from putting us to sleep whiteNoise() { let bufferSize = 17 * this.ac.sampleRate let noiseBuffer = this.ac.createBuffer(1, bufferSize, this.ac.sampleRate) let output = noiseBuffer.getChannelData(0) for (let i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { output[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1; } let whiteNoise = this.ac.createBufferSource(); whiteNoise.buffer = noiseBuffer; whiteNoise.loop = true; whiteNoise.start(0); let filter = this.ac.createBiquadFilter() filter.type = "lowpass" filter.frequency.value = 100 let gain = this.ac.createGain() gain.gain.value = 0.01 whiteNoise.connect(filter) filter.connect(gain) gain.connect(this.ac.destination) return gain } gain(high) { if (high) { return this.highGain.gain } else { return this.lowGain.gain } } /** * Convert clock time to AudioContext time * * @param {number} when Clock time in ms * @return {number} AudioContext offset time */ acTime(when) { if (!when) { return this.ac.currentTime } let acOffset = Date.now() - this.ac.currentTime * 1000 let acTime = (when - acOffset) / 1000 return acTime } /** * Set gain * * @param {number} gain Value (0-1) */ SetGain(gain) { this.txGain = gain } /** * Play an error tone */ ErrorTone() { this.errorGain.gain.setTargetAtTime(this.txGain * 0.5, this.ac.currentTime, 0.001) this.errorGain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, this.ac.currentTime + 0.2, 0.001) } /** * Begin buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (null=now) */ Buzz(tx, when = null) { if (!tx) { let recv = document.querySelector("#recv") let ms = when - Date.now() setTimeout(e => { recv.classList.add("rx") }, ms) } let gain = this.gain(tx) let acWhen = this.acTime(when) this.ac.resume() .then(() => { gain.setTargetAtTime(this.txGain, acWhen, this.ramp) }) } /** * End buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to end, in ms (null=now) */ Silence(tx, when = null) { if (!tx) { let recv = document.querySelector("#recv") let ms = when - Date.now() setTimeout(e => { recv.classList.remove("rx") }, ms) } let gain = this.gain(tx) let acWhen = this.acTime(when) gain.setTargetAtTime(0, acWhen, this.ramp) } /** * Buzz for a duration at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin (ms since 1970-01-01Z, null=now) * @param {number} duration Duration of buzz (ms) */ BuzzDuration(tx, when, duration) { this.Buzz(tx, when) this.Silence(tx, when + duration) } } export {DIT, DAH, PAUSE, PAUSE_WORD, PAUSE_LETTER} export {Keyer, Buzzer}