var ac = new AudioContext() var gain = ac.createGain() gain.connect(ac.destination) gain.gain.value = 0.1 var short = 80 var long = 200 var audioFreq = 660 var audioFreqMe = audioFreq * 6 / 5 // I think this works out to a minor third var myosc function message(event) { let duration = Number( || 0 duration = Math.min(duration, long) let osc = ac.createOscillator() osc.connect(gain) osc.frequency.value = audioFreq osc.start(ac.currentTime) osc.stop(ac.currentTime + (duration * 0.001)) } function key(event) { let duration = 0 if ((event.button === 0) || (event.key == ",") || (event.key == "w")) { duration = short } if ((event.button === 2) || (event.key == ".") || (event.key == "v")) { duration = long } // You don't get to hold the key down yet, sorry if ((event.repeat) || (duration === 0)) { return } window.socket.send(duration) myosc = ac.createOscillator() myosc.connect(gain) myosc.frequency.value = audioFreqMe myosc.start(ac.currentTime) myosc.stop(ac.currentTime + duration * 0.001) } function init() { let wsUrl = new URL(window.location) wsUrl.protocol = "ws:" wsUrl.pathname += "chat" window.socket = new WebSocket(wsUrl) window.socket.addEventListener("message", message) document.addEventListener("mousedown", e => key(e)) document.addEventListener("keydown", e => key(e)) } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init) } else { init() }