class Keyer { constructor(sndr, decoder) { this.sndr = sndr; // Sounder instance this.decoder = decoder; // Decoder instance // Using [ and ] for dits and dahs respectively for compatibility with the vband usb interface this.ditKey1 = 'ControlLeft'; this.dahKey1 = 'ControlRight'; this.ditKey2 = 'BracketLeft'; this.dahKey2 = 'BracketRight'; this.wpm = 20; this.unit = 60; // length of dit in milliseconds; 60 is 20wpm this.mode = 2; // 1: straight key, 2: iambicA, 3: iambicB, 4: ultimatic this.tone = 550; this.queue = []; this.ditKeyState = 0; this.dahKeyState = 0; this.lastKey = null; this.ditStreak = 0; this.dahStreak = 0; this.streak = 0; this.ditStart = null; this.ditStop = null; this.dahStart = null; this.dahStop = null; this.sending = false; this.lastSendTimestamp = null; this.oscillatorTimer = setInterval(() => { this.oscillate(); }, 0); } setWpm(wpm){ this.wpm = wpm; this.unit = 60000 / (wpm * 50) // based on the PARIS method 60 seconds / 50 elements per word * WPM this.decoder.unit = this.unit; } setMode(mode){ this.mode = mode; } setTone(tone){ this.tone = tone; } sendSignal() { this.sending = true; //console.log('startSignal'); if (restartAudioNeeded()) { restartAudio(); } this.sndr.setTone(this.tone); this.sndr.on(); this.decoder.keyOn(); } stopSignal() { //console.log('stopSignal');; this.decoder.keyOff(); this.lastSendTimestamp =; setTimeout(() => { this.sending = false; }, this.unit); } press(event, down, mode=this.mode) { if (mode > 1 && event.code != this.ditKey1 && event.code != this.dahKey1 && event.code != this.ditKey2 && event.code != this.dahKey2) return; if (mode == 1) { if (down) { if (restartAudioNeeded()) { restartAudio(); } this.sndr.setTone(this.tone); this.sndr.on(); this.decoder.keyOn(); } else {; this.decoder.keyOff(); } } else if (mode > 1) { //console.log(key); if (event.code == this.ditKey1 || event.code == this.ditKey2) { if (down) { // dit key down this.ditKeyState = 1; this.ditStart = } else { // dit key up this.ditKeyState = 0; this.ditStop = } } if (event.code == this.dahKey1 || event.code == this.dahKey2) { if (down) { // dah key down this.dahKeyState = 1; this.dahStart = } else { // dah key up this.dahKeyState = 0; this.dahStop = } } } } processQueue() { //console.log('processQueue'); if (!this.sending && this.queue.length) { this.lastKey = this.queue.shift(); var signalLength = (this.lastKey == 1) ? this.unit : this.unit * 3; this.sendSignal(); setTimeout(() => { this.stopSignal(); }, signalLength); } } oscillatev1() { if (!this.ditKeyState && !this.dahKeyState) { this.queue = []; } if (this.ditKeyState) { if (this.queue.length == 0) { if (!this.dahKeyState && !this.sending || this.lastKey == 2) { this.queue.push(1); } } } if (this.dahKeyState) { if (this.queue.length == 0) { if (!this.ditKeyState && !this.sending || this.lastKey == 1) { this.queue.push(2); } } } if (!this.sending && - this.lastSendTimestamp > this.unit) { this.processQueue(); } } oscillatev2() { if (this.mode == 2 && !this.ditKeyState && !this.dahKeyState) { // Iambic B doesn't clear the queue if (this.streak > 1) { //console.log(this.streak + " queue: " + this.queue[0]); this.queue = []; } this.streak = 0; } if (this.ditKeyState) { if (this.queue.length < 1) { if (!this.sending || this.lastKey == 2) { this.queue.push(1); if (this.lastKey == 2 && this.dahKeyState) { this.streak++; } else { this.streak = 0; } } } } if (this.dahKeyState) { if (this.queue.length < 1) { if (!this.sending || this.lastKey == 1) { this.queue.push(2); if (this.lastKey == 1 && this.ditKeyState) { this.streak++; } else { this.streak = 0; } } } } if (!this.sending && - this.lastSendTimestamp >= this.unit) { this.processQueue(); } } oscillatev3() { if (this.mode == 2 && !this.ditKeyState && !this.dahKeyState && this.queue.length) { // Iambic B doesn't clear the queue if ((this.ditStreak && this.queue[0] == 1) || (this.dahStreak && this.queue[0] == 2)) { console.log("ditStreak: "+this.ditStreak+" dahStreak: "+this.dahStreak+" queue: "+this.queue[0]); this.queue = []; } //console.log("NO CLEAR ditStreak: "+this.ditStreak+" dahStreak: "+this.dahStreak+" queue: "+this.queue[0]); this.ditStreak = 0; this.dahStreak = 0; } if (this.ditKeyState) { if (!this.queue.length) { if (!this.sending || this.lastKey == 2) { this.queue.push(1); this.ditStreak++; } } else if (!this.dahKeyState && this.queue[0] == 2) { // dah was canceled. Replace in queue this.queue[0] = 1; this.dahStreak = 0; this.ditStreak++; } } if (this.dahKeyState) { if (!this.queue.length) { if (!this.sending || this.lastKey == 1) { this.queue.push(2); this.dahStreak++; } } else if (!this.ditKeyState && this.queue[0] == 1) { // dit was canceled. Replace in queue this.queue[0] = 2; this.ditStreak = 0; this.dahStreak++; } } if (!this.sending && - this.lastSendTimestamp >= this.unit) { this.processQueue(); } } oscillate() { if (this.mode == 2 && !this.ditKeyState && !this.dahKeyState && this.queue.length) { if (this.queue[0] == 1) { // Dit is in the queue if (this.ditStart < this.dahStart || this.ditStop - this.ditStart > this.unit * 4) { this.queue.pop(); } } else { // Dah is in the queue if (this.dahStart < this.ditStart || this.dahStop - this.dahStart > this.unit * 2) { this.queue.pop(); } } } if (this.ditKeyState) { if (this.queue.length == 0) { if ((!this.dahKeyState && !this.sending) || this.lastKey == 2) { this.queue.push(1); } } else { // dah key was lifted and is still in queue if (this.mode == 2 && !this.dahKeyState && this.dahStart < this.ditStart && this.queue[0] == 2) { this.queue.pop(); } } } if (this.dahKeyState) { if (this.queue.length == 0) { if ((!this.ditKeyState && !this.sending) || this.lastKey == 1) { this.queue.push(2); } } else { // dit key was lifted and is still in queue if (this.mode == 2 && !this.ditKeyState && this.ditStart < this.dahStart && this.queue[0] == 1) { this.queue.pop(); } } } if (!this.sending && - this.lastSendTimestamp > this.unit) { this.processQueue(); } } }