import {AudioSource, AudioContextTime} from "./audio.mjs" import * as time from "./time.mjs" const HIGH_FREQ = 555 const LOW_FREQ = 444 /** * A duration. * * Because JavaScript has multiple confliction notions of duration, * everything in vail uses this. * * @typedef {number} Duration */ /** * An epoch time, as returned by * * @typedef {number} Date */ /** The amount of time it should take an oscillator to ramp to and from zero gain * * @constant {Duration} */ const OscillatorRampDuration = 5*time.Millisecond class Oscillator extends AudioSource { /** * Create a new oscillator, and encase it in a Gain for control. * * @param {AudioContext} context Audio context * @param {number} frequency Oscillator frequency (Hz) * @param {number} maxGain Maximum gain (volume) of this oscillator (0.0 - 1.0) * @param {string} type Oscillator type */ constructor(context, frequency, maxGain = 0.5, type = "sine") { super(context) this.maxGain = maxGain // Start quiet this.masterGain.gain.value = 0 this.osc = new OscillatorNode(this.context) this.osc.type = type this.osc.connect(this.masterGain) this.setFrequency(frequency) this.osc.start() } /** * Set oscillator frequency * * @param {Number} frequency New frequency (Hz) */ setFrequency(frequency) { this.osc.frequency.value = frequency } /** * Set oscillator frequency to a MIDI note number * * This uses an equal temperament. * * @param {Number} note MIDI note number */ setMIDINote(note) { let frequency = 8.18 // MIDI note 0 for (let i = 0; i < note; i++) { frequency *= 1.0594630943592953 // equal temperament half step } this.setFrequency(frequency) } /** * Set gain to some value at a given time. * * @param {number} target Target gain * @param {Date} when Time this should start * @param {Duration} timeConstant Duration of ramp to target gain */ async setTargetAtTime(target, when, timeConstant=OscillatorRampDuration) { await this.context.resume() this.masterGain.gain.setTargetAtTime( target, AudioContextTime(this.context, when), timeConstant/time.Second, ) } /** * Make sound at a given time. * * @param {Number} when When to start making noise * @param {Number} timeConstant How long to ramp up * @returns {Promise} */ SoundAt(when=0, timeConstant=OscillatorRampDuration) { return this.setTargetAtTime(this.maxGain, when, timeConstant) } /** * Shut up at a given time. * * @param {Number} when When to stop making noise * @param {Number} timeConstant How long to ramp down * @returns {Promise} */ HushAt(when=0, timeConstant=OscillatorRampDuration) { return this.setTargetAtTime(0, when, timeConstant) } } /** * A digital sample, loaded from a URL. */ class Sample extends AudioSource { /** * @param {AudioContext} context * @param {string} url URL to resource */ constructor(context, url) { super(context) this.resume = this.load(url) } async load(url) { let resp = await fetch(url) let buf = await resp.arrayBuffer() = await this.context.decodeAudioData(buf) } /** * Play the sample * * @param {Date} when When to begin playback */ async PlayAt(when) { await this.context.resume() await this.resume let bs = new AudioBufferSourceNode(this.context) bs.buffer = bs.connect(this.masterGain) bs.start(AudioContextTime(this.context, when)) } } /** * A (mostly) virtual class defining a buzzer. */ class Buzzer extends AudioSource { /** * @param {AudioContext} context */ constructor(context) { super(context) this.connected = true } /** * Signal an error */ Error() { console.log("Error") } /** * Begin buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (0=now) */ async Buzz(tx, when=0) { console.log("Buzz", tx, when) } /** * End buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to end, in ms (0=now) */ async Silence(tx, when=0) { console.log("Silence", tx, when) } /** * Buzz for a duration at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (0=now) * @param {number} duration Duration of buzz (ms) */ BuzzDuration(tx, when, duration) { this.Buzz(tx, when) this.Silence(tx, when + duration) } /** * Set the "connectedness" indicator. * * @param {boolean} connected True if connected */ SetConnected(connected) { this.connected = connected } } class AudioBuzzer extends Buzzer { /** * A buzzer that make noise * * @param {AudioContext} context * @param {Number} errorFreq Error tone frequency (hz) */ constructor(context, errorFreq=30) { super(context) this.errorTone = new Oscillator(this.context, errorFreq, 0.1, "square") this.errorTone.connect(this.masterGain) } Error() { let now = this.errorTone.SoundAt(now) this.errorTone.HushAt(now + 200*time.Millisecond) } } /** * Buzzers keep two oscillators: one high and one low. * They generate a continuous waveform, * and we change the gain to turn the pitches off and on. * * This also implements a very quick ramp-up and ramp-down in gain, * in order to avoid "pops" (square wave overtones) * that happen with instant changes in gain. */ class ToneBuzzer extends AudioBuzzer { constructor(context, {txGain=0.5, highFreq=HIGH_FREQ, lowFreq=LOW_FREQ} = {}) { super(context) this.rxOsc = new Oscillator(this.context, lowFreq, txGain) this.txOsc = new Oscillator(this.context, highFreq, txGain) this.rxOsc.connect(this.masterGain) this.txOsc.connect(this.masterGain) // Keep the speaker going always. This keeps the browser from "swapping out" our audio context. if (false) { this.bgOsc = new Oscillator(this.context, 1, 0.001) this.bgOsc.SoundAt() } } /** * Set MIDI note for tx/rx tone * * @param {Boolean} tx True to set transmit note * @param {Number} note MIDI note to send */ SetMIDINote(tx, note) { if (tx) { this.txOsc.setMIDINote(note) } else { this.rxOsc.setMIDINote(note) } } /** * Begin buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (0=now) */ async Buzz(tx, when = null) { let osc = tx?this.txOsc:this.rxOsc osc.SoundAt(when) } /** * End buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to end, in ms (0=now) */ async Silence(tx, when = null) { let osc = tx?this.txOsc:this.rxOsc osc.HushAt(when) } } class TelegraphBuzzer extends AudioBuzzer{ /** * * @param {AudioContext} context */ constructor(context) { super(context) this.hum = new Oscillator(this.context, 140, 0.005, "sawtooth") this.closeSample = new Sample(this.context, "../assets/telegraph-a.mp3") this.openSample = new Sample(this.context, "../assets/telegraph-b.mp3") this.hum.connect(this.masterGain) this.closeSample.connect(this.masterGain) this.openSample.connect(this.masterGain) } async Buzz(tx, when=0) { if (tx) { this.hum.SoundAt(when) } else { this.closeSample.PlayAt(when) } } async Silence(tx ,when=0) { if (tx) { this.hum.HushAt(when) } else { this.openSample.PlayAt(when) } } } class LampBuzzer extends Buzzer { /** * * @param {AudioContext} context */ constructor(context) { super(context) this.elements = document.querySelectorAll(".recv-lamp") } async Buzz(tx, when=0) { if (tx) return let ms = when?when - setTimeout( () =>{ for (let e of this.elements) { e.classList.add("rx") } }, ms, ) } async Silence(tx, when=0) { if (tx) return let ms = when?when - setTimeout( () => { for (let e of this.elements) { e.classList.remove("rx") } }, ms, ) } SetConnected(connected) { for (let e of this.elements) { if (connected) { e.classList.add("connected") } else { e.classList.remove("connected") } } } } class MIDIBuzzer extends Buzzer { /** * * @param {AudioContext} context */ constructor(context) { super(context) this.SetMIDINote(69) // A4; 440Hz this.midiAccess = {outputs: []} // stub while we wait for async stuff if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess) { this.midiInit() } } async midiInit(access) { this.outputs = new Set() this.midiAccess = await navigator.requestMIDIAccess() this.midiAccess.addEventListener("statechange", e => this.midiStateChange(e)) this.midiStateChange() } midiStateChange(event) { let newOutputs = new Set() for (let output of this.midiAccess.outputs.values()) { if ((output.state != "connected") || ("Through"))) { continue } newOutputs.add(output) } this.outputs = newOutputs } sendAt(when, message) { let ms = when?when - setTimeout( () => { for (let output of (this.outputs || [])) { output.send(message) } }, ms, ) } async Buzz(tx, when=0) { if (tx) { return } this.sendAt(when, [0x90, this.note, 0x7f]) } async Silence(tx, when=0) { if (tx) { return } this.sendAt(when, [0x80, this.note, 0x7f]) } /** * Set MIDI note for tx/rx tone * * @param {Boolean} tx True to set transmit note * @param {Number} note MIDI note to send */ SetMIDINote(tx, note) { if (tx) { this.sendAt(0, [0xB0, 0x02, note]) } else { this.note = note } } } class Collection extends AudioSource { /** * * @param {AudioContext} context Audio Context */ constructor(context) { super(context) this.tone = new ToneBuzzer(this.context) this.telegraph = new TelegraphBuzzer(this.context) this.lamp = new LampBuzzer(this.context) this.midi = new MIDIBuzzer(this.context) this.collection = new Set([this.tone, this.lamp, this.midi]) this.tone.connect(this.masterGain) this.telegraph.connect(this.masterGain) this.lamp.connect(this.masterGain) this.midi.connect(this.masterGain) } /** * Set the audio output type. * * @param {string} audioType "telegraph" for telegraph mode, otherwise tone mode */ SetAudioType(audioType) { this.Panic() this.collection.delete(this.telegraph) this.collection.delete(this.tone) if (audioType == "telegraph") { this.collection.add(this.telegraph) } else { this.collection.add(this.tone) } } /** * Buzz all outputs. * * @param tx True if transmitting */ Buzz(tx=False) { for (let b of this.collection) { b.Buzz(tx) } } /** * Silence all outputs in a single direction. * * @param tx True if transmitting */ Silence(tx=false) { for (let b of this.collection) { b.Silence(tx) } } /** * Silence all outputs. */ Panic() { this.Silence(true) this.Silence(false) } /** * * @param {Boolean} tx True to set transmit tone * @param {Number} note MIDI note to set */ SetMIDINote(tx, note) { for (let b of this.collection) { if (b.SetMIDINote) { b.SetMIDINote(tx, note) } } } /** * Buzz for a certain duration at a certain time * * @param tx True if transmitting * @param when Time to begin * @param duration How long to buzz */ BuzzDuration(tx, when, duration) { for (let b of this.collection) { b.BuzzDuration(tx, when, duration) } } /** * Update the "connected" status display. * * For example, turn the receive light to black if the repeater is not connected. * * @param {boolean} connected True if we are "connected" */ SetConnected(connected) { for (let b of this.collection) { b.SetConnected(connected) } } } export {Collection}