// jshint asi:true const lowFreq = 660 const highFreq = lowFreq * 6 / 5 // Perfect minor third const errorFreq = 30 const PAUSE = -1 const DIT = 1 const DAH = 3 /** * Return button labels and colors for the first 4 buttons of the provided gamepad. * * @param {Gamepad} gamepad Gamepad you want to know about */ function getButtonLabels(gamepad) { if (gamepad.id.includes("057e") || // Nintendo gamepad.id.includes("2dc8") || // 8bitdo false) { return [ {"label": "B", "color": "yellow"}, {"label": "A", "color": "red"}, {"label": "Y", "color": "green"}, {"label": "X", "color": "blue"}, ] } if (gamepad.id.includes("054c") || // Sony false) { return [ {"label": "🞩", "color": "blue"}, {"label": "◯", "color": "red"}, {"label": "□", "color": "yellow"}, {"label": "△", "color": "pink"}, ] } // Default: xbox, logitech, and more return [ {"label": "A", "color": "green"}, {"label": "B", "color": "red"}, {"label": "X", "color": "blue"}, {"label": "Y", "color": "yellow"}, ] } // iOS kludge if (!window.AudioContext) { window.AudioContext = window.webkitAudioContext } function toast(msg) { let el = document.querySelector("#snackbar") el.MaterialSnackbar.showSnackbar({ message: msg, timeout: 2000 }) } /** * A callback to start or stop transmission * * @callback TxControl */ /** * Iambic input class. * * This will handle the following things that people appear to want with iambic input: * * - Typematic: you hold the key down and it repeats evenly-spaced tones * - Typeahead: if you hit a key while it's still transmitting the last-entered one, it queues up your next entered one */ class Iambic { /** * Create an Iambic control * * @param {TxControl} beginTxFunc Function to begin transmitting * @param {TxControl} endTxFunc Function to end transmitting * @param {number} intervalDuration Dit duration (milliseconds) */ constructor(beginTxFunc, endTxFunc, intervalDuration=100) { this.beginTxFunc = beginTxFunc this.endTxFunc = endTxFunc this.intervalDuration = intervalDuration this.typematic = null this.queue = [] this.pulseTimer = null } pulse() { if (this.queue.length == 0) { if (this.typematic) { // Barkeep! Another round! this.Enqueue(this.typematic) } else { // Nothing left on the queue, stop the machine this.pulseTimer = null return } } let duration = this.queue.shift() * this.intervalDuration if (duration < 0) { duration = duration * -1 this.endTxFunc() } else { this.beginTxFunc() } this.pulseTimer = setTimeout(() => this.pulse(), duration) } maybePulse() { // If there's no timer running right now, restart the pulse if (!this.pulseTimer) { this.pulse() } } /** * Set a new dit interval (transmission rate) * * @param {number} duration Dit duration (milliseconds) */ SetIntervalDuration(duration) { this.intervalDuration = duration } /** * Add to the output queue, and start processing the queue if it's not currently being processed. * * @param {number} key DIT or DAH */ Enqueue(key) { this.queue.push(key) this.queue.push(PAUSE) this.maybePulse() } /** * Edge trigger on key press or release * * @param {number} key DIT or DAH * @param {boolean} down True if key was pressed, false if released */ Key(key, down) { if (down) { this.Enqueue(key) this.typematic = key } else { this.typematic = null } } } class Buzzer { // Buzzers keep two oscillators: one high and one low. // They generate a continuous waveform, // and we change the gain to turn the pitches off and on. // // This also implements a very quick ramp-up and ramp-down in gain, // in order to avoid "pops" (square wave overtones) // that happen with instant changes in gain. constructor(txGain = 0.6) { this.txGain = txGain this.ac = new AudioContext() this.lowGain = this.create(lowFreq) this.highGain = this.create(highFreq) this.errorGain = this.create(errorFreq, "square") this.noiseGain = this.whiteNoise() this.ac.resume() .then(() => { document.querySelector("#muted").classList.add("hidden") }) } create(frequency, type = "sine") { let gain = this.ac.createGain() gain.connect(this.ac.destination) gain.gain.value = 0 let osc = this.ac.createOscillator() osc.type = type osc.connect(gain) osc.frequency.value = frequency osc.start() return gain } whiteNoise() { let bufferSize = 17 * this.ac.sampleRate let noiseBuffer = this.ac.createBuffer(1, bufferSize, this.ac.sampleRate) let output = noiseBuffer.getChannelData(0) for (let i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { output[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1; } let whiteNoise = this.ac.createBufferSource(); whiteNoise.buffer = noiseBuffer; whiteNoise.loop = true; whiteNoise.start(0); let filter = this.ac.createBiquadFilter() filter.type = "lowpass" filter.frequency.value = 100 let gain = this.ac.createGain() gain.gain.value = 0.1 whiteNoise.connect(filter) filter.connect(gain) gain.connect(this.ac.destination) return gain } gain(high) { if (high) { return this.highGain.gain } else { return this.lowGain.gain } } /** * Convert clock time to AudioContext time * * @param {number} when Clock time in ms * @return {number} AudioContext offset time */ acTime(when) { if (!when) { return this.ac.currentTime } let acOffset = Date.now() - this.ac.currentTime * 1000 let acTime = (when - acOffset) / 1000 return acTime } /** * Set gain * * @param {number} gain Value (0-1) */ SetGain(gain) { this.txGain = gain } /** * Play an error tone */ ErrorTone() { this.errorGain.gain.setTargetAtTime(this.txGain * 0.5, this.ac.currentTime, 0.001) this.errorGain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, this.ac.currentTime + 0.2, 0.001) } /** * Begin buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (null=now) */ Buzz(tx, when = null) { if (!tx) { let recv = document.querySelector("#recv") let ms = when - Date.now() setTimeout(e => { recv.classList.add("rx") }, ms) } let gain = this.gain(tx) let acWhen = this.acTime(when) this.ac.resume() .then(() => { gain.setTargetAtTime(this.txGain, acWhen, 0.001) }) } /** * End buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to end, in ms (null=now) */ Silence(tx, when = null) { if (!tx) { let recv = document.querySelector("#recv") let ms = when - Date.now() setTimeout(e => { recv.classList.remove("rx") }, ms) } let gain = this.gain(tx) let acWhen = this.acTime(when) gain.setTargetAtTime(0, acWhen, 0.001) } /** * Buzz for a duration at time * * @param {boolean} high High or low pitched tone * @param {number} when Time to begin (ms since 1970-01-01Z, null=now) * @param {number} duration Duration of buzz (ms) */ BuzzDuration(high, when, duration) { this.Buzz(high, when) this.Silence(high, when + duration) } } class Vail { constructor() { this.sent = [] this.lagTimes = [0] this.rxDurations = [0] this.clockOffset = 0 // How badly our clock is off of the server's this.rxDelay = 0 // Milliseconds to add to incoming timestamps this.beginTxTime = null // Time when we began transmitting this.debug = localStorage.debug this.openSocket() // Listen to HTML buttons for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("button.key")) { e.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => { e.preventDefault(); return false }) e.addEventListener("touchstart", e => this.keyButton(e)) e.addEventListener("touchend", e => this.keyButton(e)) e.addEventListener("mousedown", e => this.keyButton(e)) e.addEventListener("mouseup", e => this.keyButton(e)) } for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("button.maximize")) { e.addEventListener("click", e => this.maximize(e)) } // Listen for keystrokes document.addEventListener("keydown", e => this.keyboard(e)) document.addEventListener("keyup", e => this.keyboard(e)) // Make helpers this.iambic = new Iambic(() => this.beginTx(), () => this.endTx()) this.buzzer = new Buzzer() // Listen for slider values this.inputInit("#iambic-duration", e => this.iambic.SetIntervalDuration(e.target.value)) this.inputInit("#rx-delay", e => { this.rxDelay = Number(e.target.value) }) // Show what repeater we're on let repeater = (new URL(location)).searchParams.get("repeater") || "General Chaos" document.querySelector("#repeater").textContent = repeater // Request MIDI access if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess) { navigator.requestMIDIAccess() .then(a => this.midiInit(a)) } // Set up for gamepad input window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", e => this.gamepadConnected(e)) } openSocket() { // Set up WebSocket let wsUrl = new URL("chat", window.location) wsUrl.protocol = wsUrl.protocol.replace("http", "ws") this.socket = new WebSocket(wsUrl) this.socket.addEventListener("message", e => this.wsMessage(e)) this.socket.addEventListener("close", e => this.openSocket()) } inputInit(selector, func) { let element = document.querySelector(selector) let storedValue = localStorage[element.id] if (storedValue) { element.value = storedValue } let outputElement = document.querySelector(selector + "-value") element.addEventListener("input", e => { localStorage[element.id] = element.value if (outputElement) { outputElement.value = element.value } func(e) }) element.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")) } midiInit(access) { this.midiAccess = access for (let input of this.midiAccess.inputs.values()) { input.addEventListener("midimessage", e => this.midiMessage(e)) } this.midiAccess.addEventListener("statechange", e => this.midiStateChange(e)) } midiStateChange(event) { // XXX: it's not entirely clear how to handle new devices showing up. // XXX: possibly we go through this.midiAccess.inputs and somehow only listen on new things } midiMessage(event) { let data = Array.from(event.data) let begin let cmd = data[0] >> 4 let chan = data[0] & 0xf switch (cmd) { case 9: begin = true break case 8: begin = false break default: return } switch (data[1] % 12) { case 0: // C this.straightKey(begin) break case 1: // C# this.iambic.Key(DIT, begin) break case 2: // D this.iambic.Key(DAH, begin) break default: return } } error(msg) { toast(msg) this.buzzer.ErrorTone() } beginTx() { this.beginTxTime = Date.now() this.buzzer.Buzz(true) } endTx() { let endTxTime = Date.now() let duration = endTxTime - this.beginTxTime this.buzzer.Silence(true) this.wsSend(this.beginTxTime, duration) this.beginTxTime = null } updateReading(selector, value) { let e = document.querySelector(selector) if (e) { e.value = value } } updateReadings() { let avgLag = this.lagTimes.reduce((a, b) => (a + b)) / this.lagTimes.length let longestRx = this.rxDurations.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b)) let suggestedDelay = (avgLag + longestRx) * 1.2 this.updateReading("#lag-value", avgLag.toFixed()) this.updateReading("#longest-rx-value", longestRx) this.updateReading("#suggested-delay-value", suggestedDelay.toFixed()) this.updateReading("#clock-off-value", this.clockOffset) } addLagReading(duration) { this.lagTimes.push(duration) while (this.lagTimes.length > 20) { this.lagTimes.shift() } this.updateReadings() } addRxDuration(duration) { this.rxDurations.push(duration) while (this.rxDurations.length > 20) { this.rxDurations.shift() } this.updateReadings() } wsSend(time, duration) { let msg = [time - this.clockOffset, duration] let jmsg = JSON.stringify(msg) this.socket.send(jmsg) this.sent.push(jmsg) } wsMessage(event) { let now = Date.now() let jmsg = event.data let msg try { msg = JSON.parse(jmsg) } catch (err) { console.log(err, msg) return } let beginTxTime = msg[0] let durations = msg.slice(1) if (this.debug) { console.log("recv", beginTxTime, durations) } let sent = this.sent.filter(e => e != jmsg) if (sent.length < this.sent.length) { // We're getting our own message back, which tells us our lag. // We shouldn't emit a tone, though. let totalDuration = durations.reduce((a, b) => a + b) this.sent = sent this.addLagReading(now - beginTxTime - totalDuration) return } // Server is telling us the current time if (durations.length == 0) { let offset = now - beginTxTime if (this.clockOffset == 0) { this.clockOffset = offset this.updateReadings() } return } // Why is this happening? if (beginTxTime == 0) { return } // Add rxDelay let adjustedTxTime = beginTxTime + this.rxDelay if (adjustedTxTime < now) { console.log("adjustedTxTime: ", adjustedTxTime, " now: ", now) this.error("Packet requested playback " + (now - adjustedTxTime) + "ms in the past. Increase receive delay!") return } // Every other value is a silence duration let tx = true for (let duration of durations) { duration = Number(duration) if (tx && (duration > 0)) { this.buzzer.BuzzDuration(false, adjustedTxTime, duration) this.addRxDuration(duration) } adjustedTxTime = Number(adjustedTxTime) + duration tx = !tx } } straightKey(begin) { if (begin) { this.beginTx() } else { this.endTx() } } iambicDit(begin) { this.iambic.Key(DIT, begin) } iambicDah(begin) { this.iambic.Key(DAH, begin) } keyboard(event) { if (event.repeat) { // Ignore key repeats generated by the OS, we do this ourselves return } let begin = event.type.endsWith("down") if ((event.code == "KeyX") || (event.code == "Period") || (event.code == "ControlLeft") || (event.code == "BracketLeft") || (event.key == "[")) { event.preventDefault() this.iambicDit(begin) } if ((event.code == "KeyZ") || (event.code == "Slash") || (event.code == "ControlRight") || (event.code == "BracketRight") || (event.key == "]")) { event.preventDefault() this.iambicDah(begin) } if ((event.code == "KeyC") || (event.code == "Comma") || (event.key == "Shift") || (event.key == "Enter") || (event.key == "NumpadEnter")) { event.preventDefault() this.straightKey(begin) } } keyButton(event) { let begin = event.type.endsWith("down") || event.type.endsWith("start") event.preventDefault() if (event.target.id == "dah") { this.iambicDah(begin) } else if ((event.target.id == "dit") && (event.button == 2)) { this.iambicDah(begin) } else if (event.target.id == "dit") { this.iambicDit(begin) } else if (event.target.id == "key") { this.straightKey(begin) } else if ((event.target.id == "ck") && begin) { this.Test() } } gamepadConnected(event) { // Polling could be computationally expensive, // especially on devices with a power budget, like phones. // To be considerate, we only start polling if a gamepad appears. if (!this.gamepadButtons) { this.gamepadButtons = {} this.gamepadPoll(event.timeStamp) } } gamepadPoll(timestamp) { let currentButtons = {} let currentGamepad = null for (let gp of navigator.getGamepads()) { if (gp == null) { continue } let b = gp.buttons let key = b[0].pressed || b[1].pressed let dit = b[2].pressed || b[4].pressed || b[6].pressed || b[8].pressed || b[10].pressed || b[14].pressed let dah = b[3].pressed || b[5].pressed || b[7].pressed || b[9].pressed || b[11].pressed || b[15].pressed if (key || dit || dah) { currentGamepad = gp } this.currentButtons.key |= key this.currentButtons.dit |= dit this.currentButtons.dah |= dah } if (currentButtons != this.gamepadButtons) { let labels = getButtonLabels(currentGamepad) for (let but = 0; but < 4; but++) { let e = document.querySelector(".gamepad.b" + but) e.textContent = labels[but].label e. } document.querySelector(".gamepad.b0"). if (currentButtons.key != this.gamepadButtons.key) { this.straightKey(currentButtons.key) } if (currentButtons.dit != this.gamepadButtons.dit) { this.iambicDit(currentButtons.dit) } if (currentButtons.dah != this.gamepadButtons.dah) { this.iambicDah(currentButtons.dah) } this.gamepadButtons = currentButtons requestAnimationFrame(e => this.gamepadPoll(e)) } /** * Send "CK" to server, and don't squelch the repeat */ Test() { let dit = Number(document.querySelector("#iambic-duration-value").value) let dah = dit * 3 let s = dit let msg = [ Date.now(), dah, s, dit, s, dah, s, dit, s * 3, dah, s, dit, s, dah ] this.wsSend(Date.now(), 0) // Get round-trip time this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(msg)) } maximize(e) { let element = e.target while (!element.classList.contains("mdl-card")) { element = element.parentElement if (!element) { console.log("Maximize button: couldn't find parent card") return } } element.classList.toggle("maximized") console.log(element) } } function vailInit() { if (navigator.serviceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.register("sw.js") } try { window.app = new Vail() } catch (err) { console.log(err) toast(err) } } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", vailInit) } else { vailInit() } // vim: noet sw=2 ts=2