import {GetFortune} from "./fortunes.mjs" const Millisecond = 1 const Second = 1000 * Millisecond const Minute = 60 * Second export class Vail { constructor(name, rx) { = name this.rx = rx this.lagDurations = [] this.sent = [] this.wsUrl = new URL("chat", window.location) this.wsUrl.protocol = this.wsUrl.protocol.replace("http", "ws") this.wsUrl.searchParams.set("repeater", name) this.reopen() } reopen() {"Attempting to reconnect", this.wsUrl) this.clockOffset = 0 this.socket = new WebSocket(this.wsUrl) this.socket.addEventListener("message", e => this.wsMessage(e)) this.socket.addEventListener("close", () => this.reopen()) } stats() { return { averageLag: this.lagDurations.reduce((a,b) => (a+b), 0) / this.lagDurations.length, clockOffset: this.clockOffset, } } wsMessage(event) { let now = let jmsg = let msg try { msg = JSON.parse(jmsg) } catch (err) { console.error(err, jmsg) return } let beginTxTime = msg[0] let durations = msg.slice(1) // Why is this happening? if (beginTxTime == 0) { return } let sent = this.sent.filter(e => e != jmsg) if (sent.length < this.sent.length) { // We're getting our own message back, which tells us our lag. // We shouldn't emit a tone, though. let totalDuration = durations.reduce((a, b) => a + b) this.sent = sent this.lagDurations.unshift(now - this.clockOffset - beginTxTime - totalDuration) this.lagDurations.splice(20, 2) this.rx(0, 0, this.stats()) return } // The very first packet is the server telling us the current time if (durations.length == 0) { if (this.clockOffset == 0) { this.clockOffset = now - beginTxTime this.rx(0, 0, this.stats()) } return } // Adjust playback time to clock offset let adjustedTxTime = beginTxTime + this.clockOffset // Every second value is a silence duration let tx = true for (let duration of durations) { duration = Number(duration) if (tx && (duration > 0)) { this.rx(adjustedTxTime, duration, this.stats()) } adjustedTxTime = Number(adjustedTxTime) + duration tx = !tx } } /** * Send a transmission * * @param {number} time When to play this transmission * @param {number} duration How long the transmission is * @param {boolean} squelch True to mute this tone when we get it back from the repeater */ Transmit(time, duration, squelch=true) { let msg = [time - this.clockOffset, duration] let jmsg = JSON.stringify(msg) this.socket.send(jmsg) if (squelch) { this.sent.push(jmsg) } } Close() { this.socket.close() } } export class Null { constructor() { } Transmit(time, duration, squelch=True) { } Close() { } } export class Fortune { /** * * @param rx Receive callback * @param {Keyer} keyer Keyer object */ constructor(rx, keyer) { this.rx = rx this.keyer = keyer this.interval = setInterval(() => this.pulse(), 1 * Minute) this.pulse() } pulse() { if (this.keyer.Busy()) { return } let fortune = GetFortune() this.keyer.EnqueueAsciiString(`${fortune}\x04 `) } Transmit(time, duration, squelch=true) { // Do nothing. } Close() { clearInterval(this.interval) } }