import * as Morse from "./morse.mjs" import * as Inputs from "./inputs.mjs" import * as Repeaters from "./repeaters.mjs" const DefaultRepeater = "General Chaos" const Millisecond = 1 const Second = 1000 * Millisecond const Minute = 60 * Second /** * Pop up a message, using an MDL snackbar. * * @param {string} msg Message to display */ function toast(msg) { let el = document.querySelector("#snackbar") if (!el || !el.MaterialSnackbar) { console.warn(msg) return } el.MaterialSnackbar.showSnackbar({ message: msg, timeout: 2000 }) } class VailClient { constructor() { this.sent = [] this.lagTimes = [0] this.rxDurations = [0] this.clockOffset = null // How badly our clock is off of the server's this.rxDelay = 0 // Milliseconds to add to incoming timestamps this.beginTxTime = null // Time when we began transmitting this.debug = localStorage.debug // Redirect old URLs if ( { let me = new URL(location) let repeater = me.searchParams.get("repeater") = "" me.hash = decodeURIComponent(repeater) window.location = me } // Make helpers this.buzzer = new Morse.Buzzer() this.keyer = new Morse.Keyer(() => this.beginTx(), () => this.endTx()) this.roboKeyer = new Morse.Keyer(() => this.buzzer.Buzz(), () => this.buzzer.Silence()) // Set up various input methods this.inputs = Inputs.SetupAll(this.keyer) // VBand: Keep track of how the user wants the single key to behave for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("[data-singlekey]")) { e.addEventListener("click", e => this.singlekeyChange(e)) } // Maximize button for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("button.maximize")) { e.addEventListener("click", e => this.maximize(e)) } for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("#ck")) { e.addEventListener("click", e => this.test()) } // Set up sliders this.sliderInit("#iambic-duration", e => { this.keyer.SetIntervalDuration( this.roboKeyer.SetIntervalDuration( }) this.sliderInit("#rx-delay", e => { this.rxDelay = Number( }) // Fill in the name of our repeater let repeaterElement = document.querySelector("#repeater").addEventListener("change", e => this.setRepeater( window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => this.hashchange()) this.hashchange() } /** * Called when the hash part of the URL has changed. */ hashchange() { let hashParts = window.location.hash.split("#") this.setRepeater(decodeURIComponent(hashParts[1] || "")) } /** * VBand: Called when something happens to change what a single key does * * @param {Event} event What caused this */ singlekeyChange(event) { for (let e of event.path) { if (e.dataset && e.dataset.singlekey) { this.inputs.Keyboard.iambic = (e.dataset.singlekey == "iambic") } } } /** * Connect to a repeater by name. * * This does some switching logic to provide multiple types of repeaters, * like the Fortunes repeaters. * * @param {string} name Repeater name */ setRepeater(name) { if (!name || (name == "")) { name = DefaultRepeater } this.repeaterName = name // Set value of repeater element let repeaterElement = document.querySelector("#repeater") let paps = repeaterElement.parentElement if (paps.MaterialTextfield) { paps.MaterialTextfield.change(name) } else { repeaterElement.value = name } // Set window URL let prevHash = window.location.hash window.location.hash = (name == DefaultRepeater) ? "" : name if (window.location.hash != prevHash) { // We're going to get a hashchange event, which will re-run this method return } if (this.repeater) { this.repeater.Close() } let rx = (w,d,s) => this.receive(w,d,s) // If there's a number in the name, store that for potential later use let numberMatch = name.match(/[0-9]+/) let number = 0 if (numberMatch) { number = Number(numberMatch[0]) } if (name.startsWith("Fortunes")) { this.roboKeyer.SetPauseMultiplier(number || 1) this.repeater = new Repeaters.Fortune(rx, this.roboKeyer) } else if (name.startsWith("Echo")) { let delayElement = document.querySelector("#rx-delay") delayElement.value = (number || 2) * Second delayElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")) this.repeater = new Repeaters.Echo(rx) } else if (name == "Null") { this.repeater = new Repeaters.Null(rx) } else { this.repeater = new Repeaters.Vail(rx, name) } toast(`Now using repeater: ${name}`) } /** * Set up a slider. * * This reads any previously saved value and sets the slider to that. * When the slider is updated, it saves the value it's updated to, * and calls the provided callback with the new value. * * @param {string} selector CSS path to the element * @param {function} callback Callback to call with any new value that is set */ sliderInit(selector, callback) { let element = document.querySelector(selector) if (!element) { return } let storedValue = localStorage[] if (storedValue) { element.value = storedValue } let outputElement = document.querySelector(selector + "-value") let outputWpmElement = document.querySelector(selector + "-wpm") element.addEventListener("input", e => { localStorage[] = element.value if (outputElement) { outputElement.value = element.value } if (outputWpmElement) { outputWpmElement.value = (1200 / element.value).toFixed(1) } if (callback) { callback(e) } }) element.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")) } /** * Make an error sound and pop up a message * * @param {string} msg The message to pop up */ error(msg) { toast(msg) this.buzzer.ErrorTone() } /** * Start the side tone buzzer. */ beginTx() { this.beginTxTime = this.buzzer.Buzz(true) } /** * Stop the side tone buzzer, and send out how long it was active. */ endTx() { let endTxTime = let duration = endTxTime - this.beginTxTime this.buzzer.Silence(true) this.repeater.Transmit(this.beginTxTime, duration) this.beginTxTime = null } /** * Called by a repeater class when there's something received. * * @param {number} when When to play the tone * @param {number} duration How long to play the tone * @param {dict} stats Stuff the repeater class would like us to know about */ receive(when, duration, stats) { this.clockOffset = stats.clockOffset || "?" let now = when += this.rxDelay if (duration > 0) { if (when < now) { this.error("Packet requested playback " + (now - when) + "ms in the past. Increase receive delay!") return } this.buzzer.BuzzDuration(false, when, duration) this.rxDurations.unshift(duration) this.rxDurations.splice(20, 2) } let averageLag = (stats.averageLag || 0).toFixed(2) let longestRxDuration = this.rxDurations.reduce((a,b) => Math.max(a,b)) let suggestedDelay = ((averageLag + longestRxDuration) * 1.2).toFixed(0) this.updateReading("#note", stats.note || "") this.updateReading("#lag-value", averageLag) this.updateReading("#longest-rx-value", longestRxDuration) this.updateReading("#suggested-delay-value", suggestedDelay) this.updateReading("#clock-off-value", this.clockOffset) } /** * Update an element with a value, if that element exists * * @param {string} selector CSS path to the element * @param value Value to set */ updateReading(selector, value) { let e = document.querySelector(selector) if (e) { e.value = value } } /** * Maximize/minimize a card * * @param e Event */ maximize(e) { let element = while (!element.classList.contains("mdl-card")) { element = element.parentElement if (!element) { console.log("Maximize button: couldn't find parent card") return } } element.classList.toggle("maximized") console.log(element) } /** * Send "CK" to server, and don't squelch the echo */ test() { let when = let dit = Number(document.querySelector("#iambic-duration-value").value) let dah = dit * 3 let s = dit let message = [ dah, s, dit, s, dah, s, dit, s * 3, dah, s, dit, s, dah ] this.repeater.Transmit(when, 0) // Get round-trip time for (let i in message) { let duration = message[i] if (i % 2 == 0) { this.repeater.Transmit(when, duration, false) } when += duration } } } function vailInit() { if (navigator.serviceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.register("sw.js") } try { = new VailClient() } catch (err) { console.log(err) toast(err) } } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", vailInit) } else { vailInit() } // vim: noet sw=2 ts=2