const HIGH_FREQ = 555 const LOW_FREQ = 444 /** * A duration. * * Because JavaScript has multiple confliction notions of duration, * everything in vail uses this. * * @typedef {number} Duration */ /** * An epoch time, as returned by * * @typedef {number} Date */ const Millisecond = 1 const Second = 1000 * Millisecond /** The amount of time it should take an oscillator to ramp to and from zero gain * * @constant {Duration} */ const OscillatorRampDuration = 5*Millisecond console.warn("Chrome will now complain about an AudioContext not being allowed to start. This is normal, and there is no way to make Chrome stop complaining about this.") const BuzzerAudioContext = new AudioContext() /** * Compute the special "Audio Context" time * * This is is a duration from now, in seconds. * * @param {Date} when Date to compute * @returns audiocontext time */ function BuzzerAudioContextTime(when) { if (!when) return 0 let acOffset = - (BuzzerAudioContext.currentTime * Second) return Math.max(when - acOffset, 0) / Second } /** * Block until the audio system is able to start making noise. */ async function Ready() { await BuzzerAudioContext.resume() } class Oscillator { /** * Create a new oscillator, and encase it in a Gain for control. * * @param {number} frequency Oscillator frequency (Hz) * @param {number} gain Gain (volume) of this oscillator (0.0 - 1.0) * @param {string} type Oscillator type * @returns {GainNode} A new GainNode object this oscillator is connected to */ constructor(frequency, gain = 0.5, type = "sine") { this.targetGain = gain this.gainNode = BuzzerAudioContext.createGain() this.gainNode.connect(BuzzerAudioContext.destination) this.gainNode.gain.value = 0 this.osc = BuzzerAudioContext.createOscillator() this.osc.type = type this.osc.connect(this.gainNode) this.osc.frequency.value = frequency this.osc.start() return gain } /** * * @param {number} target Target gain * @param {Date} when Time this should start * @param {Duration} timeConstant Duration of ramp to target gain */ async setTargetAtTime(target, when, timeConstant=OscillatorRampDuration) { await BuzzerAudioContext.resume() this.gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime( target, BuzzerAudioContextTime(when), timeConstant/Second, ) } SoundAt(when=0, timeConstant=OscillatorRampDuration) { return this.setTargetAtTime(this.targetGain, when, timeConstant) } HushAt(when=0, timeConstant=OscillatorRampDuration) { return this.setTargetAtTime(0, when, timeConstant) } } /** * A digital sample, loaded from a URL. */ class Sample { /** * * @param {string} url URL to resource * @param {number} gain Gain (0.0 - 1.0) */ constructor(url, gain=0.5) { this.resume = this.load(url) this.gainNode = BuzzerAudioContext.createGain() this.gainNode.connect(BuzzerAudioContext.destination) this.gainNode.gain.value = gain } async load(url) { let resp = await fetch(url) let buf = await resp.arrayBuffer() = await BuzzerAudioContext.decodeAudioData(buf) } /** * Play the sample * * @param {Date} when When to begin playback */ async PlayAt(when) { await BuzzerAudioContext.resume() await this.resume let bs = BuzzerAudioContext.createBufferSource() bs.buffer = bs.connect(this.gainNode) bs.start(BuzzerAudioContextTime(when)) } } /** * A (mostly) virtual class defining a buzzer. */ class Buzzer { /** * Signal an error */ Error() { console.log("Error") } /** * Begin buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (0=now) */ Buzz(tx, when=0) { console.log("Buzz", tx, when) } /** * End buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to end, in ms (0=now) */ Silence(tx, when=0) { console.log("Silence", tx, when) } /** * Buzz for a duration at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (0=now) * @param {number} duration Duration of buzz (ms) */ BuzzDuration(tx, when, duration) { this.Buzz(tx, when) this.Silence(tx, when + duration) } } class AudioBuzzer extends Buzzer { constructor(errorFreq=30) { super() this.errorGain = new Oscillator(errorFreq, 0.1, "square") } Error() { let now = this.errorGain.SoundAt(now) this.errorGain.HushAt(now + 200*Millisecond) } } class ToneBuzzer extends AudioBuzzer { // Buzzers keep two oscillators: one high and one low. // They generate a continuous waveform, // and we change the gain to turn the pitches off and on. // // This also implements a very quick ramp-up and ramp-down in gain, // in order to avoid "pops" (square wave overtones) // that happen with instant changes in gain. constructor({txGain=0.5, highFreq=HIGH_FREQ, lowFreq=LOW_FREQ} = {}) { super() this.rxOsc = new Oscillator(lowFreq, txGain) this.txOsc = new Oscillator(highFreq, txGain) } /** * Begin buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to begin, in ms (0=now) */ Buzz(tx, when = null) { let osc = tx?this.txOsc:this.rxOsc osc.SoundAt(when) } /** * End buzzing at time * * @param {boolean} tx Transmit or receive tone * @param {number} when Time to end, in ms (0=now) */ Silence(tx, when = null) { let osc = tx?this.txOsc:this.rxOsc osc.HushAt(when) } } class TelegraphBuzzer extends AudioBuzzer{ constructor(gain=0.6) { super() this.gainNode = BuzzerAudioContext.createGain() this.gainNode.connect(BuzzerAudioContext.destination) this.gainNode.gain.value = gain this.hum = new Oscillator(140, 0.005, "sawtooth") this.closeSample = new Sample("telegraph-a.mp3") this.openSample = new Sample("telegraph-b.mp3") } Buzz(tx, when=0) { if (tx) { this.hum.SoundAt(when) } else { this.closeSample.PlayAt(when) } } Silence(tx ,when=0) { if (tx) { this.hum.HushAt(when) } else { this.openSample.PlayAt(when) } } } class Lamp extends Buzzer { constructor(element) { super() this.element = element } Buzz(tx, when=0) { if (tx) return let ms = when?when - setTimeout( () =>{ this.element.classList.add("rx") }, ms, ) } Silence(tx, when=0) { if (tx) return let ms = when?when - setTimeout(() => this.element.classList.remove("rx"), ms) } } export {Ready, ToneBuzzer, TelegraphBuzzer, Lamp}