#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "durations.h" #include "timezones.h" #include "picker.h" #include "network.h" #define NEOPIXEL_PIN 32 #define GRIDLEN 64 #define WFM_PASSWORD "artsy fartsy" #define TIMEZONE TZ_US_Mountain /* * The hours when the day begins and ends. * At night, all you get is a dim clock. */ #define DAY_BEGIN 6 #define DAY_END 20 #define DAY_BRIGHTNESS 0x80 #define NIGHT_BRIGHTNESS 0x10 /* * Define these to fetch from a wallart-server * * https://git.woozle.org/neale/wallart-server */ #define ART_HOSTNAME "www.woozle.org" #define ART_PORT 443 #define ART_PATH "/wallart/wallart.bin" #define HTTPS_TIMEOUT (2 * SECOND) CRGB grid[GRIDLEN]; WiFiUDP ntpUDP; NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP); void setup() { FastLED.addLeds(grid, GRIDLEN); // Maybe it's the plexiglass but for my build I really need to dial back the red FastLED.setCorrection(0xc0ffff); network_setup(WFM_PASSWORD); } bool updateTime() { if (timeClient.update()) { time_t now = timeClient.getEpochTime(); time_t local = TIMEZONE.toLocal(now); setTime(local); return true; } return false; } void fade(int cycles = 2) { int reps = (cycles*GRIDLEN) + random(GRIDLEN); int hue = random(256); for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { for (int pos = 0; pos < 8; pos++) { uint8_t p = cm5xlat(8, (i+pos) % GRIDLEN); grid[p] = CHSV(hue, 255, pos * 32); } FastLED.show(); pause(80); } } void singleCursor(int count = 80) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { grid[20] = CHSV(0, 210, 127 * (i%2)); FastLED.show(); pause(120); } } #define NUM_SPARKS 3 void sparkle(int cycles=50) { int pos[NUM_SPARKS] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < cycles; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NUM_SPARKS; j++) { grid[pos[j]] = CRGB::Black; pos[j] = random(GRIDLEN); grid[pos[j]] = CRGB::Gray; } FastLED.show(); pause(40); } } #define NUM_GLITCH 4 #define GLITCH_FRAMES 64 void glitchPulse(int cycles=1000) { int steps[NUM_GLITCH] = {0}; int pos[NUM_GLITCH] = {0}; CRGB color[NUM_GLITCH]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GLITCH; i++) { steps[i] = GLITCH_FRAMES / NUM_GLITCH * i; color[i] = CRGB::Brown; } for (int frame = 0; frame < cycles; frame++) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GLITCH; i++) { if (steps[i] == 0) { steps[i] = GLITCH_FRAMES; pos[i] = random(GRIDLEN); color[i] = CHSV(random(256), 64 + random(64), 255); } CRGB c = color[i]; int bmask = (0xff * steps[i] / 32) & 0xff; if (steps[i] == GLITCH_FRAMES/2) { bmask = 0xff - bmask; } c.red &= bmask; c.green &= bmask; c.blue &= bmask; grid[pos[i]] = c; steps[i]--; } FastLED.show(); pause(100); } } void conwayish(int cycles=5000) { uint8_t total[GRIDLEN]; uint8_t left[GRIDLEN] = {0}; uint8_t hue = random(0, 64); for (int i = 0; i < GRIDLEN; i++) { total[i] = random(64, 256); left[i] = total[i]; } for (int frame = 0; frame < cycles; frame++) { for (int i = 0; i < GRIDLEN; i++) { if (left[i] == 0) { left[i] = total[i]; if (grid[i].getLuma() == 0) { grid[i].setHSV(hue, 180, 192); } else { grid[i] = CRGB::Black; } } else { left[i]--; } } FastLED.show(); pause(20); } } uint8_t cm5xlat(uint8_t width, uint8_t pos) { if (width == 0) { return pos; } uint8_t x = pos % width; uint8_t y = pos / width; uint8_t odd = y % 2; return (y*width) + ((width-x-1)*odd) + (x*(1-odd)); } void cm5(uint8_t width=0, int cycles=200) { for (int frame = 0; frame < cycles; frame++) { int val = 127 * random(2); for (uint8_t pos = 0; pos < GRIDLEN; pos++) { uint8_t xpos = cm5xlat(width, pos); if (pos < GRIDLEN-1) { uint8_t x2pos = cm5xlat(width, pos+1); grid[xpos] = grid[x2pos]; } else { grid[xpos] = CHSV(0, 255, val); } } FastLED.show(); pause(500); } } // Art from the network int NetArtFrames = 0; CRGB NetArt[8][GRIDLEN]; void netart(int count=40) { if (NetArtFrames < 1) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { memcpy(grid, NetArt[i%NetArtFrames], GRIDLEN*3); FastLED.show(); pause(500); } } uint8_t netgetStatus(uint8_t hue) { static int positions[4] = {0}; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { grid[positions[j]] = CHSV(0, 0, 0); positions[j] = random(GRIDLEN); grid[positions[j]] = CHSV(hue, 255, 180); } FastLED.show(); pause(500); return hue; } void netget(int count=60) { uint8_t hue = netgetStatus(HUE_BLUE); #if defined(ART_HOSTNAME) && defined(ART_PORT) && defined(ART_PATH) if (connected()) { WiFiClientSecure scli; hue = netgetStatus(HUE_AQUA); scli.setInsecure(); HttpClient https(scli, ART_HOSTNAME, ART_PORT); do { if (https.get(ART_PATH) != 0) break; hue = netgetStatus(HUE_GREEN); if (https.skipResponseHeaders() != HTTP_SUCCESS) break; hue = netgetStatus(HUE_YELLOW); int artlen = https.read((uint8_t *)NetArt, sizeof(NetArt)); hue = netgetStatus(HUE_ORANGE); NetArtFrames = (artlen / 3) / GRIDLEN; } while(false); https.stop(); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { netgetStatus(hue); } } const int spinner_pos[4] = {27, 28, 36, 35}; void spinner(int count=32) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int pos = spinner_pos[i % 4]; grid[pos] = CRGB::OliveDrab; FastLED.show(); pause(125); grid[pos] = CRGB::Black; } } void displayTime(unsigned long duration = 20 * SECOND) { if (timeStatus() != timeSet) return; unsigned long end = millis() + duration; FastLED.clear(); while (millis() < end) { updateTime(); int hh = hour(); int mmss = now() % 3600; uint8_t hue = HUE_YELLOW; // Top: Hours if (isPM()) { hue = HUE_ORANGE; hh -= 12; } // Middle: 5m (300s) uint8_t mm = (mmss/300) % 12; // Bottom: 25s uint8_t ss = (mmss/25) % 12; // Outer: 5s uint8_t s = (mmss/5) % 5; grid[64 - 7 - 1] = CHSV(HUE_PURPLE, 128, (s==1)?96:0); grid[64 - 15 - 1] = CHSV(HUE_PURPLE, 128, (s==2)?96:0); grid[64 - 8 - 1] = CHSV(HUE_PURPLE, 128, (s==3)?96:0); grid[64 - 0 - 1] = CHSV(HUE_PURPLE, 128, (s==4)?96:0); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { // Omit first and last position on a row int pos = i + 1; if (pos > 6) { pos += 2; } grid[pos + 0] = CHSV(hue, 255, (i= DAY_BEGIN) && (hh < DAY_END)); } FastLED.setBrightness(day?DAY_BRIGHTNESS:NIGHT_BRIGHTNESS); // If we don't yet have net art, try a little harder to get it. if ((NetArtFrames == 0) || !conn) { getprob = 16; } if (!day || p.Pick(4)) { // At night, only ever show the clock displayTime(2 * MINUTE); } else if (p.Pick(getprob)) { netget(); } else if (day && p.Pick(4)) { // These can be hella bright netart(); } else if (p.Pick(1)) { fade(); singleCursor(20); } else if (p.Pick(1)) { sparkle(); } else if (p.Pick(4)) { singleCursor(); } else if (p.Pick(8)) { conwayish(); } else if (p.Pick(8)) { glitchPulse(); } else if (p.Pick(2)) { cm5(0); } else if (p.Pick(2)) { cm5(8); } else if (p.Pick(2)) { cm5(16); } }