teams = [ ["LA", "bombs.png", "Los Alamos M'Atom Bombs"], ["ARG", "animas.png", "Animas Valley Roller Girls"], ["Taos", "taos.png", "Taos Whiplashes"], ["RIP", "rip.png", "Rollergirls In Pagosa"], ["4CRG", "4crg.png", "4 Corners Roller Girls"], ["DRG", "durango.png", "Durango Roller Girls"], ["SFe", "brawlers.png", "Disco Brawlers"], ["HCRD", "aurora.png", "High City Derby Divas"], ["Moab", "moab.png", "Moab Roller Derby"], ["Bots", "hobots.png", "Albuquerque Ho-Bots"], ["HNR", "hustlen.png", "HCDD Hustle N' Rollers"], ["DD", "doubledown.png", "HCDD Double Down"], ["DCD", "dcd.png", "Duke City Derby"], ["RMRG", "rmrg.png", "Rocky Mountain Roller Girls"], ["DD", "doomsdames.png", "Albuquerque Doomsdames"], ["TEX", "texpistols.png", "El Paso Tex Pistols"], ["PWH", "pistol.png", "El Paso Pistol Whip-Hers"], ["MT", "minorthreat.png", "Minor Threat"], ["CCR", "choicecity.png", "Choice City Rebels"], ["DIA", "dia.png", "Derby Intelligence Agency"], ["TRD", "tucson.png", "Tucson Roller Derby"], ["TST", "saddletramps.jpg","Tucson Saddle Tramps"], ["TC", "tallcity.png", "Tall City Roller Betties"], ["SS", "ssdd.png", "South Side Derby Dames"], ["WTRD", "wtrd.png", "West Texas Roller Dollz"], ["FDD", "fdd.png", "Faultline Derby Devilz"], ["CHPA", "chupas.png", "New Mexico Chupacabras"], ["TKRD", "tulare-kings.png", "Tulare Kings Roller Derby"], ["CHRY", "cherries.png", "Los Alamos Cherry Bombs"], ["PLG", "plague.png", "Zombie Plague"], ["BDB", "bd-betties.png", "Black Diamond Betties"], ["SKS", "sirens.png", "Sea to Sky Sirens"], ["BBDD", "bbdd.png", "Battle Born Derby Demons"], ["OKVD", "okvd.png", "Oklahoma Victory Dolls"], ["MM", "munecas.png", "Muñecas Muertas"], ["MARI", "marionettes.png", "Albuquerque Marionettes"], ["QSDD", "qsdd.png", "Quad Skate Derby Dames"], ["BWBS", "bwbs.png", "Backwoods Bombshells"] ["CRH", "redhots.png", "Chicago Red Hots"], ["HCRG", "campers.png", "Happy Camper Rollergirls"] ]; teams.sort(); // Add special teams at the beginning teams.splice(0, 0, ["Blk", "black.png", "Black Team"], ["Wht", "white.png", "White Team"], ["Grn", "green.png", "Green Team"], ["Rng", "orange.png", "Orange Team"], ["Blu", "blue.png", "Blue Team"] );