/* * LADD Roller Derby Scoreboard * Copyright © 2011 Neale Pickett * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* You can only have one scoreboard per page. This limitation is mostly * because elements need specific id= attributes, and these attribumets * must be unique within a page. * * Corollary: don't change element ids without making a corresponding * change in this file. */ longnames = false; tenths = true; /* State names */ var SETUP = 0; // !P 30:00 !J 2:00 var JAM = 1; // P J 2:00 var LINEUP = 2; // P J 1:00 var TIMEOUT = 3; // !P J 1:00 var periodtext = ["Period 1", "Halftime", "Period 2", "Break"]; var jamtext = ["Jam", "Lineup", "Timeout", "Setup"]; var period = 0; var jamno = 0; var state = SETUP; var timer_updates = []; function update() { for (var i in timer_updates) { var u = timer_updates[i]; u(); } } // Create a timer on [element]. // If [tenths] is true, show tenths of a second. // If [callback] is defined, call it when time runs out. function startTimer(element, tenths, callback) { var startTime; var running = false; var set_duration = 0; var duration = 0; var className; // Re-calculate and update displayed time function refresh () { var remain = element.remaining(); var min = Math.floor(Math.abs(remain / 60000)); var sec = (Math.floor(Math.abs(remain / 100)) / 10) % 60; // Set classes element.className = className; if ((! className) && (remain <= 20000)) { element.className += " lowtime"; } if (! running) { element.className += " paused"; } // Has the timer run out? if ((set_duration > 0) && (remain <= 0)) { duration = 0; sec = 0; running = false; if (callback) { callback(); } } // .toFixed() rounds, we want to truncate if (! tenths) { sec = Math.floor(sec); } else { sec = sec.toFixed(1); } // Zero-pad if (sec < 10) { sec = "0" + sec; } var t = min + ":" + sec; if (t != element.innerHTML) { element.innerHTML = t; } } // Return remaining time in milliseconds element.remaining = function() { if (running) { var now = (new Date()).getTime(); return duration - (now - startTime); } else { return duration; } } // Set timer to [d] milliseconds. // Put element into class [cn], if set. element.set = function(t, cn) { startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); set_duration = t; duration = t; className = cn; refresh(); } // Start timer element.start = function() { if (! running) { startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); running = true; } refresh(); } // Stop timer element.stop = function() { if (running) { duration = element.remaining(); running = false; } refresh(); } timer_updates.push(refresh); } // Transition state machine based on state function transition(newstate) { var jt = e("jam"); var pt = e("period"); var jtext = e("jamtext"); var jno = e("jamno"); if ((newstate === undefined) || (newstate == state)) { return; } if ((state == SETUP) && window.penalties) { penalties_duck(); } state = newstate; if (state == JAM) { pt.start(); jt.set(120000); jt.start(); jtext.innerHTML = jamtext[0]; jamno += 1; jno.innerHTML = jamno; } else if (state == LINEUP) { pt.start(); jt.set(30000, "lineup"); jt.start(); jtext.innerHTML = jamtext[1]; } else if (state == TIMEOUT) { pt.stop(); if (pt.remaining() <= 0) { pt.set(1800000); } jt.set(0, "timeout"); jt.start(); jtext.innerHTML = jamtext[2]; } // Reset lead jammer indicators e("jammer-a").className = ""; e("jammer-b").className = ""; } /*********************************** * Notices */ var notices = [ false, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ]; var notice_timer; function notice_expire() { var c = document.getElementById("notice"); c.innerHTML = ""; c.style.display = "none"; } function notice(n) { var c = document.getElementById("notice"); c.style.display = "block"; if (notices[n]) { c.innerHTML = notices[n]; clearTimeout(notice_timer); notice_timer = setTimeout(function() {notice_expire()}, 8000); } else { notice_expire(); } } function e(id) { ret = document.getElementById(id); if (! ret) { return Array(); } return ret; } function score(team, points) { var te = document.getElementById("score-" + team); var ts = Number(te.innerHTML); ts += points; te.innerHTML = ts; } /*********************************** * Event handlers */ var logo = {a:-1, b:-1}; function leadJammer(team) { tgt = e("jammer-" + team); var on = ! tgt.className; e("jammer-a").className = ""; e("jammer-b").className = ""; if (on) tgt.className = "lead"; } function handle(event) { var tgt = event.target || window.event.srcElement; var team = tgt.id.substr(tgt.id.length - 1); var adj = event.shiftKey?-1:1; var mod = (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey); var newstate; switch (tgt.id) { case "logo-a": case "logo-b": if (state == SETUP) { if (true) { var t, name; logo[team] = (teams.length + logo[team] + adj) % teams.length; t = teams[logo[team]]; if (longnames) { name = t[2]; } else { name = t[0]; } e("name-" + team).innerHTML = name; tgt.src = "logos/" + t[1]; if (window.penalties) { penalties_setTeamName(team, t[0]); } } } else { score(team, -adj); } break; case "jammer-a": case "jammer-b": leadJammer(team); break; case "timeouts-a": case "timeouts-b": // Allow for timeouts > 3 var v = Number(tgt.innerHTML); v -= adj; if (v == -1) v = 3; tgt.innerHTML = v; break; case "period": if ((state == SETUP) || (state == TIMEOUT)) { // Nothin' } else { newstate = TIMEOUT; } break; case "periodtext": var pt; if (mod) { pt = prompt("Enter new period indicator text", tgt.innerHTML); } else { var ptl = periodtext.length; period = (period + ptl + adj) % ptl; pt = periodtext[period]; } if (pt) { tgt.innerHTML = pt; if (state == TIMEOUT) { jamno = 0; e("jamno").innerHTML = jamno; } } break; case "jam": if (state == JAM) { newstate = LINEUP; } else { newstate = JAM; } break; case "jamno": jamno -= adj; tgt.innerHTML = jamno; break; case "score-a": case "score-b": if (state == SETUP) { var s = prompt("Enter score for team " + team, tgt.innerHTML); if (s) { tgt.innerHTML = s; } } else { score(team, adj); } break; } transition(newstate); } function key(event) { var e = event || window.event; var c; var newstate; switch (e.keyCode) { case 38: c = "up"; break; case 40: c = "down"; break; default: c = String.fromCharCode(e.which || e.keyCode || 0); break; } switch (c) { case "up": if ((state == TIMEOUT) || (state == SETUP)) { var pt = document.getElementById("period"); var rem = pt.remaining(); pt.set(rem + 1000); } break; case "down": if ((state == TIMEOUT) || (state == SETUP)) { var pt = document.getElementById("period"); var rem = pt.remaining(); pt.set(rem - 1000); } break; case " ": if (state == JAM) { newstate = LINEUP; } else { newstate = JAM; } break; case "t": newstate = TIMEOUT; break; case "a": case "[": score('a', 1); break; case "b": case "]": score('b', 1); break; case "A": case "{": score('a', -1); break; case "B": case "}": score('b', -1); break; case ",": leadJammer('a'); break; case ".": leadJammer('b'); break; case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": case "0": var n = Number(c); window.notice(n); } transition(newstate); } function save() { chrome.storage.sync.set( { "period_clock": e("period").remaining(), "name_a": e("name-a").innerHTML, "name_b": e("name-b").innerHTML, "logo_a": e("logo-a").src, "logo_b": e("logo-b").src, "score_a": e("score-a").innerHTML, "score_b": e("score-b").innerHTML, "timeout_a": e("timeouts-a").innerHTML, "timeout_b": e("timeouts-b").innerHTML, "jamno": jamno, "period": period, } ); } function iecheck() { // If it's IE, it's got to be at least 7 var ua = navigator.userAgent; var ie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); if (ie == -1) { // Not IE return; } else { var n = parseFloat(ua.substring(ie + 5, ua.indexOf(";", ie))); if (n < 7) { alert("Your browser is too old to run the Woozle scoreboard.\nYou can use Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Internet Explorer 7 and up."); } } } function ei(name) { el = e(name); if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener("click", handle, false); } return el; } function start() { resize(); iecheck(); var p = document.getElementById("period"); var j = document.getElementById("jam"); var c; // XXX: I think, instead of null, you can pass in a dictionary of defaults function load(state) { ei("name-a").innerHTML = state.name_a || "Home"; ei("name-b").innerHTML = state.name_b || "Vis"; ei("logo-a").src = state.logo_a || "logos/black.png"; ei("logo-b").src = state.logo_b || "logos/white.png"; ei("score-a").innerHTML = state.score_a || 0; ei("score-b").innerHTML = state.score_b || 0; ei("timeouts-a").innerHTML = state.timeout_a || 3; ei("timeouts-b").innerHTML = state.timeout_b || 3; period = state.period || 0; jamno = state.jamno || 0; var c = state.period_clock || 1800000; startTimer(p); p.set(c); } chrome.storage.sync.get(null, load); ei("jammer-a"); ei("jammer-b"); ei("period"); ei("jam"); ei("periodtext").innerHTML = periodtext[period]; ei("jamtext").innerHTML = jamtext[3]; transition(); startTimer(j, window.tenths); j.set(120000); save_timer = setInterval(save, 1000); update_itimer = setInterval(update, 33); } function resize() { var b = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var w, h; // Internet Explorer makes everything a pain in the ass if (window.innerWidth) { w = window.innerWidth; h = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { w = document.body.clientWidth; h = document.body.clientHeight; } else { // Punt w = 800; h = 600; } w /= 7; h /= 5; var fs = Math.min(w, h); b.style.fontSize = fs + 'px'; } window.onload = start; document.onkeydown = key; // IE requires document, not window window.onresize = resize;