Using the LADD Roller Derby Scoreboard

Annotated scoreboard


Running Jams



Other cases

Halftime / Double-header break
  1. Type "T" to enter timeout mode.
  2. Click the period indicator until it says "Break"
  3. Click the period clock.
  4. Enter the duration of halftime.
  5. Type Space Bar to start counting down.
  6. It's okay to let the jam clock reach 0:00.
20-minute periods
  1. During setup or timeout, click the period clock.
  2. Enter "20:00" for the new time.
  3. Click the period indicator until it displays the appropriate period

If the browser exits

Shit happens. So every second, the scoreboard saves its state to the browser's long-term storage using the HTML5 localStorage object. The following information is stored, and will come back the way it was when the browser exited:

It is a good idea to verify that your browser actually stores this information around before you run a bout, by starting a pretend jam, exiting, then re-opening.

Customizing the display

The scoreboard is written in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. If you'd like to try your hand at graphic design, feel encouraged to do so. Just remember to keep the onclick and id attributes in elements that have them, and everything should continue to work.

If you come up with a new design, or code improvements, I'd love to see it!

If you have problems

If something goes wrong, please email me (link below) with as much detail as you can remember, and I'll try to fix it for you and everybody else. For example:

I clicked the period timer during a timeout and the Team A logo turned into a photo of a burrito.


Neale Pickett <>