var START = 0; var JAM = 1; var ROTATE = 2; var TIMEOUT = 3; var period = 1; var state = START; function pad(i) { if (i < 10) { return "0" + i; } else { return i; } } // Start a timer on [element] for [duration] milliseconds. function startTimer(element, precision, duration, callback) { var beginning; var itimer; var precmult = 1; for (var i = 0; i < precision; i += 1) { precmult *= 10; } function display(remain) { var min = Math.floor(Math.abs(remain / 60000)); var sec = Math.abs(remain / 1000) % 60; /* Scale sec to precision, since toFixed only rounds */ sec = Math.floor(sec * precmult) / precmult; if (itimer) { = element.fg; } else { = "#888"; } if (! duration) { = "#044"; } else if (remain <= 20000) { = "#f24"; } else { =; } element.innerHTML = ""; if ((duration > 0) && (remain <= 0)) { this.stop(); element.innerHTML = "0:0" + (0).toFixed(precision); if (callback) callback(); return; } element.innerHTML += min + ":" + pad(sec.toFixed(precision)); } function update() { var now = (new Date()).getTime(); var remain = beginning + duration - now; display(remain); } // Is this timer running? this.running = function () { return ~~itimer; } // Is this a countdown timer? this.descending = function () { return ~~duration; } // Stop (clear timer) this.stop = function () { if (itimer) { clearInterval(itimer); itimer = undefined; } } // Start this.start = function () { beginning = (new Date()).getTime(); if (itimer) { return; } itimer = setInterval(update, 100); display(duration); } // Unpause if paused this.go = function () { if (itimer) return; this.start(); } // Pause if unpaused this.pause = function () { if (! itimer) return; this.stop(); duration -= (new Date()).getTime() - beginning; display(duration); } // Restart with a new time this.reset = function (t) { duration = t; this.start(); display(duration); } if (precision == undefined) { precision = 1; } if ( == undefined) { =; element.fg =; } } // Transition state machine based on state function transition() { var jt = document.getElementById("jam").timer; var pt = document.getElementById("period").timer; var ptext = document.getElementById("periodtext"); var jtext = document.getElementById("jamtext"); if (state == JAM) { pt.go(); jt.reset(120000); jtext.innerHTML = "Jam"; } else if (state == ROTATE) { pt.go(); jt.reset(30000); jtext.innerHTML = "Rotation"; } else if (state == TIMEOUT) { pt.pause(); jt.reset(0); jtext.innerHTML = "Timeout"; } ptext.innerHTML = "Period " + period; } // A timer was clicked // 0 = period timer // 1 = jam timer function timer(tn) { if (tn == 0) { if ((state == JAM) || (state == ROTATE)) { state = TIMEOUT; } else { state = JAM; } } else { if (state == JAM) { state = ROTATE; } else { state = JAM; } } transition(); } function score(team, points) { var te = document.getElementById("score-" + team); var ts = Number(te.innerHTML); ts += points; te.innerHTML = ts; } function mockup() { var p = document.getElementById("period"); var j = document.getElementById("jam"); p.timer = new startTimer(p, 0, 1800000); function jtexp() { if (state == JAM) { state = ROTATE; } else { state = JAM; } transition(); } j.timer = new startTimer(j, 1, 120000, jtexp); } window.onload = mockup;