Title: Roller Derby Roller Derby software, forms, and advice, with a focus on smaller teams. The Woozle Promise ------------------ * Free: no ads, no fees, forever * Open: you're encouraged to copy and modify * Clean: fans and NSOs should focus on the game, not our software * Easy: quickly-learned and intuitive interfaces Software -------- * [Scoreboard](/scoreboard/), works in any web browser -- [source](http://woozle.org/~neale/g.cgi/scoreboard/) * [Penalty Timer for Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.woozle.penaltytimer) -- [source](http://woozle.org/~neale/g.cgi/ptimer/) * [Track](/track/) with movable players -- [source](http://woozle.org/~neale/g.cgi/track/) Forms ----- * [Multi-NSO scrimmage form](scrimmage.pdf) for tracking points and penalties Articles -------- * [Running A/V for a Bout](http://woozle.org/~neale/papers/derby-av.html)