Title: 2011 Christmas Letter This was a year of firsts. Ginnie had her first sleep-over, performed at her first Irish dance recital, IMAGE(IMG_1329) IMAGE(IMG_4888) She got her first Ghillies, IMAGE(IMG_1493) competed in her first Irish Dance Competition, IMAGE(DSC03851) did her first ballet recital without an older girl leading, IMAGE(IMG_1368) and went on her first self-supported hike. IMAGE(IMG_20110328_110408) She sold her first (and last) Girl Scout Cookies: the top seller for her troupe! IMAGE(IMG_20110312_095807) She went to Disneyland for the first time IMAGE(arrr) IMAGE(tamarrr) She went to her first Roller Derby bout IMAGE(IMG_20110717_122045) Evacuated town for the first time IMAGE(IMG_20110626_201950) Rode her bike by herself for the first time Read her first book by herself Had her first motorcycle ride IMAGE(IMG_1469) And ate her first Tofurky (she liked it!) IMAGE(IMG_4958) Amy and Neale had a lot of fun coffee dates this year IMAGE(IMG_20110425_124754) Love, The Picketts (Neale, Amy, Ginnie, and the dogs, Dingo & Jada)