Title: LED Roller Derby Scoreboard A do-it-yourself LED Roller Derby scoreboard. It's visible in full sunlight, doesn't use a computer at all, and can be easily operated by an 8-year-old. If you're looking for a software scoreboard (using a projector) this [list of free derby scoreboard software](http://woozle.org/scoreboard/others.html) will help. This scoreboard is operated with a Nintendo controller, and runs on an XBox 360 power supply. The rest of the parts need to be ordered from various sources online. The total should come out to around $200, with plenty of options for upgrades. It will take about 6 weeks of work, and requires basic electronics understanding and elementary soldering skills. I provide updated firmware, so unless you feel like modifying the MIT-licensed source code, you don't need to do any programming. ![Original Build](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xKiVBp0bv70/UuafY7lZxeI/AAAAAAAAd1g/6TlMNSDp9xc/s1600/IMG_20140125_094136.jpg) ![First duplicate](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Mm23bx2F-wQ/Uip4SGmmzWI/AAAAAAAAMKI/48zmiHN6v6U/s1600/13%2B-%2B1) ![Second duplicate](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hOKmDB5JRYY/UtXPLuY2bDI/AAAAAAAAdpE/PYxeqHQGxTA/s1600/2014-01-14) Resources --------- * [Discussion Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/scoreboard-builders) for help from others who've built or are building one. * [Google Drive Folder](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzovkpI6mzWQNFc4eGN0aGoyTGM&usp=sharing) with schematics, documentation, and firmware releases. * [Firmware Source Code](http://woozle.org/neale/g.cgi/avr/scoreboard) About Me -------- I'm Neale Pickett, also known as "Q" in the Derby world. Feel free to [email me](mailto:neale@woozle.org), but the group would be more appropriate for email relating to this scoreboard. I've done a lot of [other derby stuff](/derby/) that you may be interested in.