
733 B

SSL with eris

Eris does not care what transport is in use: that job is left to the invoking program (e.g. tcpserver).

In the past you could use sslio with tcpsvd, but sslio has not been updated in a long time, and won't work with (at least) Chrome 39.

I recommend using stunnel, which also works with IPv6. You can invoke it like so:

#! /bin/sh
cd /srv/www
HTTPS=enabled; export HTTPS

exec stunnel -fd 3 3<<EOD
foreground = yes
setuid = http
setgid = http
debug = 4

accept = ::443
cert = /path/to/yourserver.crt
key = /path/to/yourserver.key
exec = /path/to/eris
execargs = eris -c

I set the HTTPS environment variable, so CGI can tell whether or not its connection is secure.