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A man's reputation is not in his own keeping, but lies at the mercy of the profligacy of others. Calumny requires no proof. The throwing out [of] malicious imputations against any character leaves a stain, which no after-refutation can wipe out. To create an unfavourable impression, it is not necessary that certain things should be true, but that they have been said. The imagination is of so delicate a texture that even words wound it. WILLIAM HAZLITT, Characteristics
Derby Community:
I believe that when people carelessly throw words, others become victims to their sharp edges. A few weeks ago comments were posted on our page by fans about previous opponent Los Alamos M’Atom Bombs, which were not favorable. Being one for free speech, I, did not remove the post or say anything to the contrary. I left it as it was… I want to apologize to our opposing team for this. Although we choose not to control what our fans post, we can choose to address anything that we feel is inappropriate and will do so in the future.
We are a new league and happily saw our first anniversary two weeks ago!!!! We have had an awesome time developing this league. Along the way we have experienced growing pains and in these moments of awe and confusion, we strive to grow!
We have developed good relationships with most of the leagues we have played. However, since May behind the scenes, I have been dealing with an assault on the reputation of one of our skaters. People in other leagues/organizations carelessly spoke about her to different leagues and this issue has snowballed! It has gotten to the point that now others are trying to compromise our league’s reputation by saying we skate dangerously. Since this notion has been blasted by a few people to so many, I feel that I have to speak up on this!!!
Safety is imperative in a full contact sport as this, and in that same breath safety is not guaranteed. It is incumbent upon all players of this sport to be thoughtful, strategic, and knowledgeable. Good derby only comes with studying, dedication, and time. Something I try to reiterate to all members of our league. Even the best players get bruises, sprains, torn ligaments, and broken bones and rarely do they have a culprit. Clovis Roller Derby always strives to play the best game possible.
I will close in saying that I am disappointed by all of the mindless chatter and hearsay that no one seems to have any direct accountability for. At every corner we have encountered hurdles that stem from the waste of people’s carelessly thrown words. Among all things Clovis wants to have stellar relationships with all the leagues that we play. At a minimum we expect that other leagues/organizations not tear down fellow skaters. We repudiate any unsafe practices or bias from our league or any league we interact with.
Constance Williams
Clovis Roller Derby, LLC