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[[!meta title="32 lines about 16 lusers"]]
ian is a manager, he also rides a motorbike
hbunny's a boss-man too, and he pumps iron day and night
Meeko is a quasi-furry, lives in Georgia with the fam
Seattle City pays owreee to try and stick it to the man
toast lives on a sailboat with husband, daughters, and some pets
brains take pictures of them all and posts them on the Internets
pinky's in New Jersey, works at linode keeping servers up
crispy's got a dozen kids and writes code for some small start-up
alien's a British guy, his wife is French and they ride bikes
Fub's from Denmark, lives in London, wife and son are Chinese tykes
ameigh is a mommy and she studies speech impediments
nate's a mystery to me, I don't know how he pays his rents
ronin is a Star Wars fan, and coding's something he enjoys
heidi's pinky's wife, she has a business selling bedroom toys
kirk hacks Linux Kernels, and his paycheck comes from Cray Research
nwc's a mystery, he mostly hangs around and lurks
And me, I just sit around writing poems.