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Download All Unlocked Puzzles

We get a lot of requests to "download everything" from an event. Here's how you could do that:

What You Need

  • The URL to your puzzle server. We will call this $url.
  • Your Team ID. We will call this $teamid.
  • A way to POST id=$teamid with Content-Type: x-www-form-encoded to a URL, and save the result. We will call this procedure "Fetch".
  • A way to parse JSON files


  1. Fetch $url/state. This is the State object.
  2. In the State object, Puzzles maps category name to a list of open puzzle point values.
  3. For each category (we will call this $category):
    1. For each point value:
      1. If the point value is 0, skip it. 0 indicates all puzzles in this category are unlocked.
      2. Fetch $url/content/$category/$points/index.json. This is the Puzzle object.
      3. In the Puzzle object, Body contains the HTML body of the puzzle.
      4. In the Puzzle object, Attachments contains a list of attachments. For each attachment (we will call this $attachment):
        1. Fetch $url/content/$category/$points/$attachment.