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Moth Logs
Moth has multiple log channels:
: the points log, used by server and scoreboard
: significant events, used to do manual analysis after an event
: HTTP server access
: warnings and errors
`points.log` format
The points log is a space-separated file.
Each line has four fields:
| `timestamp` | `teamID` | `category` | `points` |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| int | string | string | int |
| Unix epoch | Team's unique ID | Name of category | Points awarded |
### Example
1602702696 2255 nocode 1
1602702705 2255 sequence 1
1602702787 2255 nocode 2
1602702831 2255 sequence 2
1602702839 9458 nocode 3
1602702896 2255 sequence 8
1602702900 9458 nocode 4
1602702913 2255 sequence 16
`events.log` format
The events log is a space-separated file.
Each line has six fields minimum:
| `timestamp` | `event` | `participantID` | `teamID` | `category` | `points` | `extra`... |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| int | string | string | string | string | int | string... |
| Unix epoch | Event type | Team's unique ID| Participant's (hopefully) unique ID | Name of category, if any | Points awarded, if any | Additional fields, if any |
Fields after `points` contain extra fields associated with the event.
### Event types
These may change in the future.
* init: startup of server
* disabled: points accumulation disabled for this maintenance run
* wrong: wrong answer submitted
* correct: correct answer submitted
### Example
1602716345 init - - - - 0
1602716349 load 2255 player5 sequence 1
1602716450 load 4824 player3 sequence 1
1602716359 correct 2255 player5 sequence 1
1602716423 wrong 4824 player3 sequence 1
1602716428 correct 4824 player3 sequence 1
1602716530 correct 4824 player3 sequence 1
1602716546 abduction 4824 player3 - 0 alien FM1490
The final entry is a made-up "alien abduction" entry,
since at the time of writing,
we didn't have any actual events that wrote extra fields.