
133 lines
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# Simple Auth
This is a stateless forward-auth provider.
I tested it with Caddy, but it should work fine with Traefik.
# Theory of Operation
This issues cryptographically signed authentication tokens to the client.
Some JavaScript stores the token in a cookie.
When a client presents an authentication token in a cookie,
they are allowed in if the token was properly signed,
and has not expired.
Authentication tokens consist of:
* Username
* Expiration date
* Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
Simpleauth also works with HTTP Basic authentication.
# Setup
Simpleauth needs two (2) files:
* A secret key, to sign authentication tokens
* A list of usernames and hashed passwords
## Create secret key
This will use `/dev/urandom` to generate a 64-byte secret key.
SASECRET=/run/secrets/simpleauth.key # Set to wherever you want your secret to live
dd if=/dev/urandom of=$SASECRET bs=1 count=64
## Create password file
It's just a text file with hashed passwords.
Each line is of the format `username:password_hash`
alias sacrypt="docker run --rm --entrypoint=/crypt"
SAPASSWD=/run/secrets/passwd # Set to wherever you want your password file to live
: > $SAPASSWD # Reset password file
sacrypt user1 password1 >> $SAPASSWD
sacrypt user2 password2 >> $SAPASSWD
sacrypt user3 password3 >> $SAPASSWD
## Start it
Turning this into the container orchestration system you prefer
(Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Docker Compose)
is left as an exercise for the reader.
docker run \
--name=simpleauth \
--detach \
--restart=always \
--port 8080:8080 \
--volume $SASECRET:/run/secrets/simpleauth.key:ro \
--volume $SAPASSWD:/run/secrets/passwd:ro \
## Make your web server use it
### Caddy
You'll want a `forward-auth` section like this:
``` {
forward_auth localhost:8080 {
uri /
copy_headers X-Simpleauth-Username
header_down X-Simpleauth-Domain # Set cookie for all of
respond "Hello, friend!"
The `copy_headers` directive tells Caddy to pass
Simpleauth's `X-Simpleauth-Username` header
along in the HTTP request.
If you are reverse proxying to some other app,
it can look at this header to determine who's logged in.
`header_down` sets the
`X-Simpleauth-Domain` header in HTTP responses.
The only time a client would get an HTTP response is when it is not yet authenticated.
The built-in JavaScript login page uses this header to set the cookie domain:
this way, you can protect multiple sites within a single cookie
### Traefik
I need someone to send me equivalent
to include here.
### nginx
I need someone to send me equivalent
to include here.
# Why not some other thing?
The main reason is that I couldn't get the
WebDAV client code to work with anything else I found.
* Authelia - I like it, but I couldn't get WebDAV to work. Also, it used 4.8GB of RAM and wanted a Redis server.
* Authentik - Didn't try it, looked too complicated.
* Keycloak - Didn't try it, looked way too complicated.
# Project Home
The canonical home for this project is