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// This is the button on the bottom of the chanter.
// You put a magnet in the bottom of it,
// then jam a unipolar linear hall effect sensor in the body,
// and you have a cheap and reliable way to detect insertion depth.
// Make circles lovely and round
$fa = 1; $fs = 0.5;
magnet_od = 17.5; // Outside diameter of the magnet you're using
magnet_id = 7;
magnet_h = 6; // I use two ceramic magnets stacked together, to increase the field strength
throw = 15; // How far you can depress the button
gap = 2; // How much space we need for the gap. OH59E is 1.57mm thick
wall = 1.6; // Wall depth
leg_angle = 30; // How wide a leg should be, in degrees
tab_w = 2; // Tab height
module magnet() {
color("SlateGray") {
difference() {
cylinder(h=magnet_h, d=magnet_od);
translate([0, 0, -0.1]) cylinder(h=magnet_h+0.2, d=magnet_id);
// Cup to hold the magnets on the bottom
magnet_cup_tolerance = 1;
cup_id = magnet_od + magnet_cup_tolerance;
cup_od = cup_id + wall*2;
cup_leg_h = wall + throw;
peg_d = magnet_id - 0.3;
module cup() {
union() {
difference() {
cylinder(h=cup_leg_h, d=cup_od);
translate([0, 0, wall]) cylinder(h=cup_leg_h, d=cup_id);
// A peg in the middle to make it easier to assemble.
// This goes all the way so we can print without supports
cylinder(h=wall+magnet_h, d=peg_d);
// The tabs on the sides
for (i = [0, 120, 240]) {
rotate(i) {
rotate_extrude(angle=leg_angle*0.8) {
translate([cup_od/2, cup_leg_h-tab_w, 0]) square(tab_w);
// The thing the cup slides into
cup_container_tolerance = 0.5;
container_id = cup_od + cup_container_tolerance;
container_od = container_id + wall*4;
container_h = wall + throw + gap + wall; // Height of the container that the cup goes into
module channel(h) {
rotate_extrude(angle=leg_angle) {
translate([cup_od/2, 0, 0]) square([tab_w, h]);
module container() {
difference() {
union() {
difference() {
cylinder(h=container_h, d=container_od);
// Carve out space for the cup
translate([0, 0, wall]) cylinder(h=container_h, d=container_id);
// Carve out channels for the tabs
channel_w = tab_w + 0.5;
for(i = [0, 120, 240]) {
translate([0, 0, wall]) {
// Channel for the throw
rotate(i) channel(throw + wall);
// Channel for the screw-in.
// This is going to droop when printing, so we make it a bit wider
rotate(i+leg_angle) channel(tab_w*1.5);
// Channel for insertion
rotate(i+leg_angle+leg_angle) channel(container_h);
// Another post to help center magnets
cylinder(h=wall+magnet_h, d=peg_d);
// Now drill holes for the sensors
for (x = [-1.27, 0, 1.27]) {
translate([x-0.3, 2-0.2, 0]) cube([0.6, 0.4, container_h]);