I utilized the built-in Arduino Tone() function and "pitches.h" header
to recreate the BeeGees melody. It looks a lot cleaner in the code, and
it's easier to figure out the melody (which is also now in a nice
looking array). The only down side is that the volume is about half. I
would love to hack the arduino Tone() function to be able to play the
tone on both sides of the buzzer. But for now, I think the cleaner code
is more important.
The LED_GREEN is actually off of PORTD.2, and so in arduino this is
Digital Pin "2". Also added/adjusted comments on the #defines for board
revs to include "PTH" and "SMD" and additional date codes.
Button checking is now faster, more responsive, and should handle heavy,
slow button presses as well. Now works fully under Arduino v1.0 and have
removed the majority of the older C specific code.